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Thorn Retains Title

Fighter profile of Damien Thorn by Justin Ass

 On Friday night Damien Thorn retained  his Heavyweight title in his first title defense  with a first round TKO over challenger Deni Mukhtar at Sydney Fight Club The quest 2.  Both fighters came out cautious at first, trading some jabs and a few kicks.

Thorn pushed on by clinching up with Mukhtar several time making the challenger expend his energy  in the early stages of the fight.

Frustrated Mukhtar started throwing some ill advised  head kicks, Thorn countered with a beautiful take down that brought both fighters to the ground.  Thorn kept firing shots to his stricken opponent until the ref jumped in to save Mukhtar. 


I think every fight in my career is going to be the toughest fight he hit me a bunch of times but I hit him more holy( expletive that was fun said   Thorn who now is 6-0 with  6 straight TKOs  awaits his next challenge down under. Who ever it is the Champion will be ready to defend.  


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