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Ascension 101

Event Preview: Ascension 101
2012-07-21, Los Angeles, LA Memorial Colossuseum
Author:Don Frye

 Ascension 101 Preview

  Alexi has went awol for the second week in a row so ill do it myself for the  now. Dean Sutherland here your org owner back doing the job he done when he first started at Ascension.   Nathen Ames vs Yance Sackett   Young gun Nathen Ames looks to take on one of the toughest Light Heavyweights in the game who goes by the name Yance Sackett. Ames and Sackett are both very naturally gifted big hitters who can fight on the ground as well as on the feet. Ames got unlucky in his previous fight being taken down into mount straight off the back and pounded out. Yance is coming off a loss also to Banchees in what was a epic ending to a triolgy that will go down in history. With the leather these guys throw i don't expect this one to see the judges. Hell i don't really expect it to leave the first round.   J Blunts vs Johnny Rose   Blunts is fresh off his title loss against Disposition and looks to get his name back in title contention as he welcomes Ascension new comer Rose in this middleweight contest. Both are highly skilled veterns of the sport and feel comfortable where ever the fight takes place. Blunts will want to keep this a boxing match but if Rose goes for the clinch i wouldn't be surprised to see Blunts try to pull guard and pull off a submission or he may shoot for a few takedowns just to mix it up. Both fighters will want the win to shoot them into title contention in Ascension and get that 12 pounds of gold around there waist.    Zack Allan vs Humberto Cruz   Allan is closing in on his title shot but standing in his way is Humberto Cruz. Allan who rocks some of the highest skills in the game is coming off a huge win over striker grappling and is looking to take on the former title challenger in what will be a fight that will all depend on where it takes place. Allan is a striker by trade who can fight inside the clinch or at a distance but isn't a fan of the ground and that is where Cruz's world is. I expect alot of takedown attempts or even guard jumps and some real big punches thrown in this fight. Cruz could catapult himself into title contention or will Allan pull off the win and get one step closer to the belt himself   Simbo Klice vs David Abbott   In the co main event tonight is a fight which i should have just made a one round three minute fight. With the power these two throw it will be over quickly. Klice who has been laying down the law ever since his UD loss to Kupke De Vries. His Jaw has yet to be broken but he has not fought someone who swings with the power that Abbott does. Knockout of the night bonus could be heading to one of these two warriors if one of them connects flush. For Klice maybe a road back to a shot against Kupke De Vries or better yet a shot for the belt.   Sunny Disposition vs Jeremy Tonal    The main event of the evening see's the retirement of two of the best fighters in the respective weight divisions. Jeremy Tonal the undisputed GOAT in Tycoon takes on Sunny Dispostion one of the best ever Middleweights as these two fighters face off for the last time in the cage. Its not only that. Grey has made it clear in the past of his anger at not being able to beat Tonal in his past two fights with Keynes and Glory. He gets his shot now in what could be his final fight in Tycoon for atleast a while. Both fighters will want to protect there legacy and go out on a win. Who will win? Its a toss up in my book and you will have to tune in live on PPV.


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