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Revolution XC - aspire, Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by J J Tycooner

ISLAND COMBAT is here for one reason only there are lots of island fighters and not many orgs.


we are here so more island fighters can get fights over the next 4 weeks there where two orgs and only so many events so now there will be a few more events for others who want to fight

 Any fighter that just wants to fight are welcome at island combat it don't matter if you are 1-20 0-0 10-0

we are here to let you fight if you want one 

pm me please if you want a contract if you just want a one fight deal that's fine the org now has 70 fighters but they are spread out over a few weight class so still need to get fighters in here 


we have a big need at 265+  so please let me know if you need a contract .

org   Champions
Weight    Name    Last Win
135    Walton Kunz    Issumatar Tariaksuq
155    Nate Gonzalez    Richard Machan
170    Jake Belcher    Hop Sing Jung
185    Carlos Newton    Don Julio Cesar Chavez


our 1st event numbers 

Organization:    ISLAND COMBAT
Event Name:    Island Combat one

Date:    2016-06-06
City:    The Island
Arena:    Hayashi's Lounge - The Island (2,000)
Number of fights:    10
Rules:    MMA
Ticket Price:    Premium
Ring / Cage:    Cage
Pay per View?:    No
Event Rating:    248.02
Attendance:    1958
Disclosed fighter pay:    $97003
Award amount:    $1000
 KO of the night:    Kona Bud
Sub of the night:    Royal Pain
Fight of the night:    Jake Belcher vs Hop Sing Jung
Merchandise Partner:    Leviathan Clothing

so we are off to a great start and we will be back next season as well so if you make a island fighter i hope you will bring them to island combat. 


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