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Island Combat 3 Review

Revolution XC - aspire, Fight Organization, Los Angeles
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Island Combat 3 Review
I will be renewing Island Combat’s third event, Island Combat 3. It had ten fights, with two title bouts.

The opening fight was in the Welterweight division featuring Cub Diaz and Luna Ploy.  Ploy comes into the fight swinging, but missed all of them. Diaz then initiates an clinch, managing to cut Ploy.

Diaz lands a lot of elbows to the head while in the clinch. Then Diaz pushes him into the cage lets go and then continues the clinch. But this time Ploy dodges most of Diaz’s elbows. Ploy then throws an lazy overhead punch that manages to land. Ans short time is out of the clinch, but then they again go into clinch.

More elbows from Diaz, as he continues to throw elbows then distance himself, and then come back with more elbows. The end of the first round now into the second.

Diaz then instigates another clinch, but both fighters showing the fans an great fight with both connecting. But more elbows from Diaz land. Diaz then pressures Ploy on the cage where he lands some blows before the round ends. An early clinch against the cage for Diaz.

Ploy tried to get free, but he cannot. Now the cut behind Ploy’d eye is starting to mess with him know. Ploy gets hit by more elbows, know his cut is absolutely terrible now. Cub Diaz then wins the fight by unanimous decision.

This fight was very entertaining and I was impressed by both fighters here. But Diaz controlled the fight with his clinch work and his elbows is what gave him the win.

The second fight was in the Middleweight division between Justin Sane and Don Julio Cesar Chavez. Chavez comes in with an fast hook, then dips out, then coming back with an straight right.

Don is staying out of Sane’s range, but then come in with an huge uppercut that rocks Sane. Chavez then comes in with an big hook that crumbles Sane to the mat.

The referee jumps in not letting Don come in with any more strikes the fight is over! Don Julio Cesar Chavez wins at 0:24 of the first round by KO(Punch).
Chavez’s moment is what lead to his victory. he dipped after his punches and then came in with stronger blows. Sane had nothing that could handle that in this fight.

The third fight was in the Heavyweight division between Kyle Long and Tobias Swanson. Long goes in for an clinch but is pushed off, but then tries for another pressing Swanson against the cage. Swanson tries to break but cannot get free, and Long tries punches but misses the strike. Long has him pressed than lands an nice elbow that manages too cut Swanson. Long tries for more punches, knees, then misses with everything.

Long is scoring some knees to the body but Swanson is blocking his head. Long with his Muay Thai clinch lands an knee to the head. Swanson has been cut then follows with an big punch that drops Swanson. An dominating finish by Long with his killer instinct.Long wins by 2:38 of the first round TKO strikes.
Kyle Long had an dominating fight versus Tobias Swanson. He controlled the fight through the clinch but could not land with Swanson’s defense. But his killer instinct lets him win the fight in the end.

The fourth fight was in the heavyweight division between Ulrich Holworth and Roland La Starza. Holworth goes for an takedown but is pushed off. but he lands with his second takedown. Starza actually has great defense , lands an hook to the head, then an elbow that causes an cut too Holworth. Holworth’s cut is bad now and Starza lands another elbow. An doctor then ends the fight due too the cut. Holworth wins at 1:19 of the first round by TKO(Cut).
It’s sad that this fight ended so early but the doctor had to end it due to so much bleeding due to the cut. I hope Holworth gets better soon.

The fifth fight was in the Bantamweight division between Royce Disgracie and Prostate Orgasm.  Orgasm then lands with an early head kick. orgasm then lands an clinch against the cage. Orgasm throws some strikes but is blocked and Disgracie lands some strikes to the head of Orgasm. Disgrace then starts to control the clinch landing some strikes to Orgasm’s head. Disgrace is starting to get frustrating since he cannot leave the clinch. disgrace then comes back with an huge uppercut and rocks Orgasm. Disgracie then lands more strikes in the clinch. Disgracie then ends the fight with an uppercut. the winner of the fight Royce Disgracie at 3:52 of round 1 by TKO(Strikes).
In the beginning Orgasm was winning with his clinchwork. But then Disgracie comes back with an great defense, lands more strikes and an outstanding uppercut ending he fight.

The sixth fight was in the Bantamweight division featuring Patrick Bullar and Issumatar Tariaksuq. Bullar initiates an clinch, but Issumatar lands two elbows that seem to have hit hard. Issumatar pushes off and the fight is back in the middle of the mat. Issumatar lands an nice leg kick, looking to slow down Bullar. An nice punch to the chin of Issumatar manages to cut him.  ulnar takes an leg kick to his meat of his thigh. Bullard than forces an clinch against the cage. Issumatar dodges an punch lands his own and a nice elbow as well. Issumatar is told too break the clinch by his corner which he does. Issumatar lands an nice head kick. Bullard seeming to not take many damage from an head kick by Bullar taunting at him. Bullard takes into another clinch with Issumatar.  ulnar lands with two short punches, and Issumatar is ordered to break the clinch that he does do. bulgar rushes in with another clinch and lands an shoulder strike. the end of the first round. The second round starts with a clinch against the cage by Bullar. bulgar throws an few elbows to the forehead of Issumatar. The clinch is broken by Issumatar. The round is over. The last round bulgar lands an quick clinch but his trikes are blocked by Issumatar. The clinch breaks and Bullar moves around landing an nice single shot. The round is over and the judges are left to score it. Issumatar wins by unanimous decision.
Issumatar proved that he has great cardio in this fight. But Bullar also proved this as well, but in the end Issumatar landed more strikes which got him the win.

The seventh fight was in the Lightweight division between Royal Pain and Richard Richards lii. Richards shoots for an early takedown but misses. Pain also misses with two strikes an hook and jab. Richards counters an strike into clinch. Richards goes for an takedown and fights through Pain’s defense here. Richards looses concentration and lets his leg be taken by Pain. Pain performs an locked on triangle, which causes an tap! What an quick fight!
Richards had this match in the beginning seconds with an clinch and clean takedown. But he lets his leg get out of his concentration so Pain takes it and wins the fight.

The eighth fight was in the Welterweight division featuring Petter Potter and Carls Diego Ferreira. An early clinch by Peter pressing Carlos against the cage. Peter has some strikes blocked but he lands an nice punch that knocks Carlos’s heads backwards. Carlos is rocked, but then after an uppercut as well. Peter stuffs three takedown attempts but then an large right hand finishes off Carlos. Peter wins by 0:44 of round 1 by TKO(Strikes).
Peter seems like he is going up the Island Combat ladder and he seems to have some serious punching power as it seemed .

The ninth fight is an title bout for the Bantamweight title of Island Combat. Kunz then misses with an lot of strikes. Johnie lands an double leg takedown from a punch that was countered. Johnie then passes to mount. Johnie then turns the position into guard position. Kunz then drops back and looks for an kneebar but Johnie gets his leg free and goes into side control. Johnie then looks for an kimura but is not in the right position for it. Kunz then continues with many different submissions but keep moving from many different positions. The round ends and the second round starts. Kunzs lands some strikes to the air, but Johnnie has no luck with an takedown attempt. Johnie goes for some takedowns but just gets counter punches by Kunz. Johnie then lands an kumra in the third round and makes Kunz tap.
This great fight had many different switches between who was on the dominant position. So it was definitely not one sided. but Johie seemed to step up his game at the last two rounds which gave him the win.

The main event for this card is an title bout in the Middleweight division between Carlos Newton and Ukko Metso. Meets get an early takedown into guard and sits down in the position. Metso drops back and looks for the leg. But it is not locked on and Newton moves into closed guard. Then Carlos looks for an kimura but Metso gets out of it. Newton lands an sweep but then Kunz then goes on the offensive with an  guillotine, but their is an scramble and Metso is on top guard. Newton then becomes aggressive with many different submissions. The first round is over and it looks like Metso dominated the round. But then Metso gets an early takedown then he tries for an submission but fails. Newton then looks for an submission after he flips to the bottom position. The rounds ends with many different subs that do not land an tap. The rest off the fight was another crazy rounds of many submission attempts from both fighters It was a great fight! but the decision victory end goes to Ukko Metso!
An great main event for this card and it was an great grappling show where both fighters could not get the other to give up. Their impressive cardio was shown here as well. An shoutout to both fighters here!

Jared Martin


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