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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Interview with the owner

GAMMA: DUEL(closing), Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Satriyo Wibowo

Satriyo Wibowo is young manager from indonesia , he is a former writer on BRFC and VCL organization , he is also the owner of Duel Fighting League in NewYork city My name is KingKong Jackson and welcome to the interview with Satriyo KJ: the first question sir, what do you feel after a successful open your first fight organization?

SW: I feel very happy , because this is one of my dreams when I joined MMA world

KJ: why you choose NewYork to be your organization base ?

SW: a month ago I heard the news from my friend that the largest organization in NewYork USFC is no longer active , so i see a big opportunity at that time to open my organization in NewYork but it was not only me who see that opportunity

KJ: this is your first time to be the owner of organization , so what about your competitors in this NewYork city ?

SW: yup NewYork is great place to open organization , i see GAMMA Kids has been quite successful in NY, there is also Primal which has many young talented fighters , also other organizations like EMMA , Omega , LKO , FastLyne, BFC, Empire, and Unity

KJ: yesterday i bought new Tycoon newspaper and i see your organization just open 3 divisions , why sir ?

SW: yes you right Kong , i open 3 divisions in Duel Fighting Championship , 155lbs , 185lbs also 265lbs , but if you have 135lbs or 145lbs fighters you can join 155lbs division , or if you have 170lbs i can give him place in 185lbs divsion , also maybe you have 205lbs fighter and looking for join organization , you can send me PM and i'll send contract offer

KJ: Before we close this show , you want to say something sir ?

SW: Duel Fighting League is a brand new open id organization in NY, we always hiring anybody , no matter your skill or your record or your hype and popularity, our goal is to become the best in NewYork and then #2 in the world

KJ: thanks for your time sir and see you next time.

KJ: wait wait wait , why your goal is become #2 organization in the world ? Not the best in the world ?

SW: Because the best organization is GAMMA



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