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GAMMA: Top HOF candidates

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 We will be inducting 1 fighter to our HOF in the next 3-4 days. We take into consideration several factors, but the #1 is how well the fighter did while in GAMMA. This is also called the "points system". Points are calculated based upon:

Total fights in GAMMA (1 point each)

Total Fight of the Night awards (1 point each)

Total wins (3 points each)

Total title fights + super fights (3 points each).

The top candidates for induction are:

HOF induction, Top candidates:

Meat Beater (174503) , Charlie Murphy (152460) , Fat Gorrila (204973), Chris Webster (52145) , Pierre Trudeau (113658) , Rick James (143516), Ein Stein (182566), Timofey Boyko (151666), Yeshua Immanuel (123742)

We induct one fighter every 2 months, so the next induction will be end of August/Start of September.


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