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LKO6 The Great Opening Preview

Event Preview: LKO6 The Great Opening
2016-07-03, New York, Liberty Dome

  This preview is another glorious event thrown by Liberty Kombat Organization. It’s run by an great boss Sir Mamado Tobodia. 

The opening fight is in the Welterweight division featuring Jose “Scarface” Floyd and Sergey “Thunder” Covalov. Jose has one decision victory in his one fight career. Jose has shown that he has takedown defense and can stuff his fair share of takedowns. Jose likes to go for his opponents toros, and throw different kinds of strikes singular to his opponents head. Jose also can change it up with combos as well.

Jose has not left the standup game so I am not sure if he is well on the ground. Sergey can flip opponents after he gets taken down and get into the dominant position. If allowed he will then go for his own set of submissions. Sergey has an small problem with being controlled via clinch. So in y professional opinion the favorite is Sergey because Jose is not an fighter that prefers the ground game.

The second fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Daniel “Rox”Eanes and William “Saint of Calton” Wulver. Daniel comes in with one fight in his career and he lost. Daniel lost in the first round due too being knocked out. He was hit by an huge uppercut cutting him and then was dominated from strikes. Farther than this I am not sure how he is on the ground and in different situations. On the other hand of the spectrum William lost his last fight as well by being knocked out as well. He seems that he does not like to god on the ground, he has problems with being taken down, also controlled. So in my professional opinion the favorite is William he has better power from his strikes so he may be able to drop Daniel faster.

The third fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Mike “Sinky” Simona and “Jersey” Dan Scapoli. Mike is an completely new fighter and he looks like he likes to work on all of his types of fighting, boxing, BJJ, and wrestling. Dan comes in with an above average wrestling so he might take this fight to the ground early. So because of these fighters are completely new I cannot pick an favorite.

The fourth fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Calvin “Heartless” Jones and Robert Wolf. Calvin comes in with one knockout victory in his whole career but he has been in one fight. Calvin comes in with an early takedown, trying to get into the top position. From here goes into his ground and pound and if he lands from here he can knock somebody out. Robert on the other hand comes in with only one fight and he won in 30 seconds! Robert likes too throw different strikes to the head or torso. He has an lot of power but he only been in one fight so I’m not sure how he will do in this fight. So in my professional opinion the favorite is 50-50, both have the power to knock each other out.

The fifth fight is in the Welterweight diviosn featuring Derek “Spackerback” Clark and Piektais Nau. Derek won his first fight in his career in fifty four seconds. This is the only fight in his career as well. Clark feints or just goes into an early takedown into guard. Derek then has the ability to know when to get up and need the fight standing. So Derek knows when to adapt his gameplay when he needs too. Piektais comes in with one win and one loss.Piektais likes to go for an clinch and close the distance. Piektais then likes too throw many strikes in there and try to finish it from there. he has also above decent takedowns to beat. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Piektatis due to more experience in the cage.

The sixth fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Johnson N “No More Tears”Amba Marvo. Johnson comes in with one fight that he won with an triangle choke. This happened in fifty one seconds. He tries for an quick takedown and land into half guard. Then if you have no grappling defense or escape he can tap you out. Best thing too do is too keep off the ground. Amba comes in with an five win streak, and has no losses in his career. Amba does not go much into rounds and usually ends the fight in one or two rounds. Amba has an stronger grind game and is known to be slippery. SO in my professional opinion the favorite is Amba, he has more expense and seems stronger.

The seventh fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Jorma Kalevi and Adam Grigorian. Jorma comes win with an two fight career, where he won both. He has not left the first two minutes in both of his fights. Jorma has shown some clinch defense and has the ability to change an fight so quickly. Do not give Korma the chance to even land anything, he has the ability to end an fight quickly if he needs too. Adam comes in with an four win streak of his four fight career. Adam knows when to throw his kicks to the torso and leg. He also has strength with his head kicks. If he can land an head kick he can easily knock somebody out. SO in my professional opinion the favorite is Jorma if he can keep he fight in the clinch instead of from striking distance. 

The eight fight is in the Middleweight division featuring Szalony Adi and Lionel “Uppercut” Messy. Szalony comes in with five wins and no losses. Szalony knows the exact moment to throw for an successful takedown on his opponent. He also has the ability to latch on an submission for an tap if given the opprotunity. He also has shown he can perform an reversal when he does get take down. Lionel is an completely new fighter so he can be good or bad can’t really tell till he fights. 

The ninth fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Albert “The All American Italian” Ricci and Kengo “The King of Congo” Mulumba and Albet comes in with an five win streak and has no losses. Albert has recently won the title and has one successful title defense. Albert likes to close the distance with an clinch and throw bomb of an strike from within one. He also has the ability to stand and with as well. Kongo has th ability to knock somebody out from anywhere essentially. SO in my professional opinion this favorite is Kengo he seems to have a more diverse striking ability.

The main event is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Jose “Brando” Faveia and Lucas Blye. Both of these men have had wars in the octagon. Jose is known for head kick highlight knockouts. Jose prefers to stay off the ground where he is more lethal. Most of his wins came form some sort of knockout. Jose sometimes will also use a clinch and go in for some dirty boxing. Lucas on the other hand will also go in looking for an showdown with an exchange of strikes. So in my professional opinion the favorite is none. The fight can go anyway, but it was sure to be a striking fight. There will be no ground game at all.


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