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LKO7 The Legends Preview

Event Preview: LKO7 The Legends
2016-07-04, New York, Madison Garden Arena

  LKO7 Legends

This event features ten fights in total all run by the amazing Sir Mamado Tobodia!

The opening fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring “The Infamous” Sam Crow and Subotai Hyrkanian “WARLORDSTER”. If this fight is the opening this card is going to be amazing.

Both of these fighters have seen the ring and have fought many wars.

Sam comes in with an four win streak and will help any fighter. Sam has an amazing overhead right, that if it connects can knock him out or at least cut his opponent. Sam prefers to keep the fight at striking distance. This is where Sam is most lethal. Subotai comes into this fight with also another four win streak.

Subotai like to close the distance fast with an clinch early on. Then he will fight from here and hopefully finish the fight.

So in my professional opinion the favorite is Subotai if he can clinch and keep it from staying in striking distance. 

The second fight is in the Light Heavyweight division featuring Lucas “Ironhead” Macahan and Tony Johnson. Lucas has lost two fights in a row, which is not good for an fighter. He has a lot more losses then wins. Lucas has an problem that he cannot stand and fight with the best standup fighters. Lucas likes to use his clinch work where he seems to be the most lethal and conformable. Tony comes into this fight looking for an early takedown.

If he is able to control from the ground he can win the fight. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Lucas if he can keep the fight from off the ground. 

The third fight is in the Light Heavyweight division featuring Keith “Bulldog” Elliot and Micheal Wolf. Keith comes in with one fight and he won by TKO. Keith likes too counter into an clinch, then go into an takedown. Keith will then work his submission game and try to cause as much pressure as he can on his opponent. Micheal also comes ion with one fight where he won by TKO as well. Micheal as well likes to counter punch into the body. Micheal also wants too keep it standing and throw counters to the head. If he is able to land an strike to the head that is accurate may knock you out. So in my professional option the favorite is Micheal if he can counter punch and control the momentum of the fight that way.

The fourth fight is in the Light Heavyweight division featuring Mike Belfort and Nidhish “The Bomber” Dihllion. Mike comes in with one fight which he won. From standing he likes to go with strikes to the torso. But when he sees the opportunity he will shoot for an takedown. With this he was able to control the fight he can win the fight. Nidhish also comes in with one fight where he also won. Nidhish likes to strike to the body, then shoot for an clinch. Then if he wants he can shoot for an takedown and he has above average ground/pound. So in my professional opinion the favorite is nobody. This fight is very tied.

The fifth fight is in the Heavyweight division featuring Benga Benga “BungaBunga” and Fedor “The Newest Emperor” Vladmirovich. Benga comes in with three fights which he won all of them and is on the streak. Benga has not left the first round in any of his fights. Benga likes to clinch and strike to his opponents head. He can control the fight from here if his opponent cannot escape. Benga also has the ability too takedown an opponent and submits someone. Fedor is also in an 3 win streak. Fedor also has the ability too take down someone and transition/ submit someone. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Benga he has the ability too either fight standing or on the ground.

The sixth fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Leonardo Florentino Ernesto Alvarez and Michal Kucharsiki. Leonardo has been fighting for a while and has seen many different fights. But Leonardo comes after an unsuccessful title defense versus Kirk St Lazarus. So Leonardo likes to shoot with an counter takedown as soon as his opponent opens himself for one. After this if he can control the ground game he can win, as he has done with many of his opponents. Michal also can be seen as a veteran with his fair share of fights as well. Michal comes in with an five win streak and is probably looking for an title shot. Michal when standing will look for an counter punch. But he also will try for an takedown, and use his ground/pound as well. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Michel he seems like an more well rounded striker.

The seventh fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Cameron Sloan and “The Clubber” Arne Kjolby. Cameron has been fighting for a while and comes in with a recent win. Cameron has the ability to flip the momentum of an fight so easily, which is great if he is taken down or clinched. His defense is one of his best strengths as a fighter. So even if you have him against the cage he can knock you out. Arne comes in with an recent fight as well. Arne will go for an early takedown, then try to control the fight from the ground. He also refuses for his opponent to leave, even if they stand, he will take you down. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Cameron he has amazing defense and should be able to win.

The eight fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Nick Alvarez and Robert De Noteboom. Nick comes in with two win streak. Do not allow Nick to catch you off guard and knock you out. He has the ability to knock you out if you allow him strength. Nick also has the ability to take his opponent down but he prefers to standup and throw. Robert has a lot more experience then Nick. Robert has great striking defense and has the ability to wait for the right time too land an powerful strike. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Robert he seems to know how to defend some strikes.

The ninth fight is in the Super Heavyweight division featuring Josiah “Boom Boom” and Adrik “The Kraken” Vasilev. Josiah come sin with two wins. Do not allow Josiah to standup for too long. Josiah has the ability to standup versus a lot of fighters, no matter how they fight. Adrik coms in with two wins. Adrik will also look for standup striking battle. So for sure this fight will not the ground at all. So in my professional opinion the favorite is 50-50, with are great standup fighters.



The main event is featuring Kimble Cho and Boe Hogan. Both of these fighters are veterans in the MMA Tycoon fighting. Kimble come sin with a two win streak, so that’s great for morale. Kimble has shown great grappling defense and escapes in his last fight, which gave him the decision win. But Kimble also can knockout his opponent if he is just form striking distance. So he is an very diverse fighter. It seems that Kimble has problems if the fight goes for five rounds. Boe come sin with three losses in a row which is terrible for morale. Boe will lok for an takedown and use his ground/pound to finish the job off. If he is allowed to do this he could easily win this fight. So in my professional opinion the favorite is Kimble he has better morale for sure, which is great in any fight. 

Jared Martin


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