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GAMMA: New HOF induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

Fought in GAMMA from 2014-03-08 till 2016-06-04, Managed by Mr Gutz (3074). Record inside GAMMA 17-11, he is a 2x 145lbs champ, competing in 13 title fights, with a total of 11 FON awards. He came 3rd on Fighter of Year, in 2014 + 2015 and his highest rank is 20. His biggest wins include Willy Wonka,Timofey Boyko,Diego Sanchez,Auguste Grimm. Upon retirement he accumulated 129 points, which ranks his 12th all time in GAMMA and #1 among all retired GAMMA 145lbs fighters.

He is also the 3rd fighter (and probably the last, since Mr Gutz is currently retired) Mr Gutz has retired in our HOF, which ranks him #1 among all LOD managers. The only other managers to have 2 are Boondock The Destroyer (503), John McGuirk (1306)
Whymer Van Mastodon (40116), Gritty Smitty (1206), Grund McGrunderson (3341), Matt Cave (45538).


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