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DUEL#2 Two Fight Two Champions preview (undercard)

Event Preview: DUEL#2 Two Fight Two Champions
GAMMA: DUEL(closing)
2016-07-09, New York, Liberty Dome
Author:Satriyo Wibowo

DUEL#2 Two Fight Two Champions (undercard) preview Fight#1 Kalle Kula vs Marian Balkon Kalle Kula is very goodboxer with solid grappling skill , Kula comes into this fight after getting 3 TKO lost in last 3 fight , with his low morale he join Duel Fighting League and try to make his own legacy here Marian Balkon is former USFC middleweight champion with 1 title defend , but after USFC stripped his title he becoming down and lost 5 in his last 6 fights , he is very good striker with solid chin and cardio Djamel Hammouche vs Claymore Longshanks 37 years old Djamel Hammouche is one of the most dangerous fighter in heavyweight divison , very good striking , solid wresting and holds a black belt in bjj but his long time problem is on his glass chin , he losses via KO or TKO 11 times in his 13 losses Claymore Longshanks is real deal for this division with 12-1-1 as a pro and he currenly on six winning streak after his first lost againt Sean Stone , but he never join big organization and most of his win is in QFC Jet "Boss" Li vs Rick Patton Jet "Boss" Li is one of the most dangerous striker in lightweight division , he is world class boxer with one punch knockout power , he comes into this fight after getting big knockout win in QFC 35 years old Rick Patton is very experienced fighter and already fight in few diferrent organization and he is the former IFF featherweight title holder , this guy is real KO machine and finish all of his winning fight via KO or TKO and i think he still looking for another one in this fight Tini "Forward" Lempa vs Abdul "Raul" Riaz Tini "Forward" Lempa is one of the hottest prospect in this division , with perfect 2-0 record and all of that by first round stoppage , his backgrous is boxing , wrestling , and bjj , so he ready to fight anywhere The Malaysian young prospect Abdul Riaz comes into this fight after succes winning his pro debut over Stanley Anderson via TKO , this kid is very talented grappler with solid muay thai skill and looking to getting his second win here Leonard "The Pitbull" Martinez vs "The Truth" Taj Trigger Leonard Martinez is former pro kickboxer , this guy is undefeated in his MMA career with 5-0 record and all of that is coming by stoppage , "The Pitbull" is world class striker with very good submission skill , i think this guys is looking for another big win here and climb the ladder into top of division 26 years old "The Truth" Taj Trigger is one of the best prospect in heavyweight division , this kid has very good striker with powerful punch and solid kicking tehnique , thi kid likes to stay on outside position and throwing some vicious strikes from distance This article writter is me Satriyo Wibowo not other person , so if you want to give some suggestion to me , just contact me guys


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