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Bipolor Opposite - Living the dream

Editorial by Michio Kaku

Bipolor Opposite, was the third fighter signed by  fight manager Michio Kaku. What Bipolor may have lacked in overall fighting skills, he more than made up with his world class Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: although he was only a brown belt, training partners admitted he felt like a black belt on the mat. He didn't waste much time in training before he got into the fight scene and just 3 days after arriving in Las Vegas he took on his first fight in the QFC. With a 1st round submission by RNC his brown belt was on display as well as his inexperience in other area's of MMA.


He took on 2 more fights in the QFC winning by first round submissions in both before settling down and getting some training in and the overcrowded Cozad MMA Las Vegas gym. With no coaches really available to help him decide what he should and shouldn't train he ended up with a mix of styles and skills that seemed at the time the right thing to be training before getting advice from a mentor. The advice was general and basic so it generally pointed him in the right direction and he took one last fight in the QFC and won by 1st round submission again.


Being 4-0 in the QFC all by way of 1st round submission Bipolor got the attention of Manager Hoarse Whisperer who at the time was serving as talent scout and hype man for CFN. Hoarse gave Bipolor a much more detailed strategy that was designed for him as opposed to his old mentor who told him to hang up his gloves. Hoarse went above and beyond the call of CFN duties to work with Bipolor and offered him a 2 fight contract in the CFN. Bipolor had stepped out of the beginner stages of his career and realized he was making a name for him self and needed an elite gym in order to further his training.


The training would be put to the test in his first fight in the CFN's organization. Despite dominating his opponent who gave up no offensive effort at all, Bipolor did not get the finish until the third round by way of his tried and true BJJ. His opponent was trying for up kicks when Bipolor grabbed a leg and got the rarely seen heel hook for his fifth win and submission finish. CFN wasted no time getting Bipolor back into the cage and only had a small amount of time to train before his next fight less than 2 weeks later. During his next fight after a kick to the head and a punch to the gut his opponent foolishly went for the take down and landed in Bipolor's guard. In the commotion Bipolor was already setting up his finish and seconds later ended the fight with a Triangle submission just :26 seconds into the round. That would end up being his final fight in the CFN organization as the LHW division dwindled down and he was already having to take HW fights in CFN just to have competition.


Bipolor signed on to a new organization called Bravado Productions which is an organization that has a good mix of newcomers and guys with some experience. As he sits seventh worldwide in the intermediate LHW division with a 6-0 record, Bipolor gets a rare opportunity to hit the gym hard as his ex mentor, new organization owner and matchmaker Hoarse Whisperer could not convince his proposed opponent to accept the fight and backed out of the fight for fear of losing a limb one could only guess. Bipolor has now found his way to Serenity's Fury Gym in Las Vegas for some much needed individual training preparing for whoever may come his way. Bipolor struggles to stay a legitimate contender during his training looking forward and is now focused in all area's of MMA. Is this 25 year old's day's numbered or will he be able to continue with a long fighting career. Time will only tell.


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