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Chainsaw Q&A

Fighter profile of Jack Shaw by Alika Webb

Q: Dear martial arts fans today I will pay a visit to Jack Shaw. The man also known as "Chainsaw" was born in London - England but currently resides in Las Vegas where he is making waves in the light heavyweight division of the world-renowned Global Association of MMA, or GAMMA in short. Chainsaw proved his worth and climbed from rags to riches in the development territory of GAMMA, GAMMA: Contenders. Fresh off his debut in the big leagues he is ready to face his biggest challenge to date as he is set to face off against the former GAMMA light heavyweight champion Tony Siblas. Now Chainsaw first of all, congrats on finally making to the top. You didn't get here fast or easily but you made it here nonetheless.



Jack: It's true that I took the long road and it was filled with obstacles but in the end my chainsaw took down those obstacles! Brum Brum Brum Brrrrrrrrrr! And the path was made clear for me to finally come to the place where the big boys play!



Q: Haha, that's the good old chainsaw Jack Shaw for you. Now Jack, are you ready for the biggest fight in your career thus far? If you can impress in this fight a title fight could be an actual possibility in the near future.



Jack: Be that as it may but I'm not thinking that far ahead to be honest. Tony Siblas now lost his last two title fights against his eternal nemesis and current GAMMA light heavyweight champion Joe Gage. To stay relevant in the division he needs to defeat me and he's got the experience edge on me.



Q: He may have a little more experience than you both you are both veterans of the sport, do you really feel he has an edge on you there?



Jack: undoubtedly, while I gained my experience in the little leagues, he gained his in the majors. Plus the fact that his career as a big shot in the division is on the line will make him hungrier than ever for a victory. Trust me the guy's going to bring his A game and I'm gonna need to bring mine. But no matter how good he is, on that night I will be better and in the end I will get my hand raised!



Q: And with that we'll conclude this interview. Jack thanks for agreeing to meet with me and I wish you the best of luck in your next fight.


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