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SWAT raid MMA fighter's apartment...nothing found

Fighter profile of Hyman Krustofski by Jay Lawrence

Vegas Channel 10 News update:

MMA fighter Hyman Krustofski was holding a small social gathering in his small 300 square foot studio apartment in northern Vegas when SWAT came knocking on his door Thursday night. Hyman was a top fighter at The Island and after a week as a free agent and a long flight to Vegas, Hyman just recently moved into his 300 square foot apartment in Vegas. Hyman is scheduled in a rematch vs Lucio Gracie, the last fighter to defeat Hyman in the cage.

While visiting with new friends and celebrating his move as well as his recent signing with Bravado Productions, Hyman experienced a loud knock on his door. This knock was followed quickly by a flashback, shouting voices and SWAT officers in full gear.  Northern Vegas SWAT filled the room detained everyone and after a short search, they left.  Nobody was arrested and everyone was left confused.  We here at Channel 10 got the story for you!

Apparently there is a new trend where people are calling 911 to create stories in order to get people "SWATTED." In this case, an anonymous person called 911 to report Hyman had taken several people hostage in his apartment and was threatening to kill them. The caller acted as if he was in the apartment and immediately hung up. Obviously this was not the case and although Hyman's welcoming party was interrupted, it became a great story, we got it straight from Hyman.

Hyman told us he was surprised when SWAT hit his door and rushed in, but the SWAT members were all "professional and respectful" despite the serious accusations. Hyman stated it was quickly realized that the original call was a hoax and when asked who he thought made the call Hyman said, "Is there any question about it? Obviously Gracie's camp is nervous and trying to interrupt my routine." Would Lucio Gracie's camp stoop this low?

We spoke with North Vegas PD to see if they have a suspect in the case. Detective Sergeant Smith told us they're still investigating, but it appears as if it was a free Obama phone used for the call. We asked Detective Smith if he thought it could be someone associated with Lucio Gracie and Detective Smith replied, "We haven't ruled that out."

There you have it. From erecting statues and now SWATTING, this rematch between Hyman and Lucio could be one to remember!


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