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GAMMA: Matt Quinn Interview

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

Matt Quinn discusses rubber-match with Viv; TRT usage interview with Dan Pikeson

Hello! And welcome to the highly acclaimed, #1 interview show that is better than Oprah on late-night Fridays, known as the only GAMMA Interviews with Daniel G. Pikeson! Today we have a very special guest, the current GAMMA middleweight champion, #1 middleweight, and #2 P4P fighter in all of MMA(Tycoon), Matt Quin!

1. Mr. Quinn, how are you today? What does it feel like to just beat two long-standing P4P fighters in a row to become the middleweight champion of GAMMA?

A. I just can’t put it into words, you know. It’s just amazing. I worked so hard all my life, you know, starting when I was 18 under my friend and boss Alika Webb, and I just have to say thank you to my fans, my family, and GAMMA for offering me a great org to fight for and I can’t wait to hold my title up high again.

2. That’s good to hear. You have a rubber-match with Viv Richards, what is your game-plan coming into this fight now that you have fought Richards for the third time? Do you think you have a feel for his style?

A. You know, definitely. I got to see for myself what it’s like to stand in the ring against Richards and you have to give it up for the man, he’s a great fighter and I have to admit, he’s worthy of a title shot just coming off a huge knockout win against the powerful Willy Stoppers. In terms of my game-plan, that’s going to be kept under-wraps with my team, but we’ll see. You guys are definitely going to be in for a fight.

3. Did you hear the rumors around the GAMMA community?

A. Uh, what rumors?

4. There’s been rumors that Viv Richards got his hands on the 176Q TRT for the last fight between you two. Do you believe it?

A. No, I definitely don’t think Viv Richards have gotten a taste of the 176Qs. Viv Richards did not look too crazy last fight and the 176Qs have made me…

5. WHAT? Are you admitting to using the 176Q TRT?

A. Wait! No! I am the legitimate middleweight champion.

6. Hold on a sec, we just got news from the GAMMA headquarters that both you and Viv Richards were on 176Qs and that the victory will still be held accountable. Any departing words before you go on to fight Richards once more?

A. I’m not surprised Mother********!



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