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Team Disney/ The Four Kings Interview

Fighter profile of Jorge Aquino by Dead Disney

Four Kings Conference Call Transcript: Dead Disney, Jorge Aquino and Carlos Quintana.

Interviewer: Good evening, gentlemen. I'm happy you could join us. My name is Cortina Bergans and I'll be the interviewer/operator of this call. This interview will be webcast live and available for replay at 4Kingstv.com.

Dead Disney: Thanks. We're grateful for the interview.

Interviewer: It's an honor for us as well. Team Disney, can we start off with some introductions? Most Four Kings fans have no idea who you are.

Jorge Aquino: My name is Jorge Aquino. I've recently signed a five fight contract in Four Kings and I intend to completely decimate the middleweight division. I do not plan on stopping there, "Ms. Interviewer". I will not be satisfied until I have defeated every top fighter in every division north of middleweight, preferably by amazing knockout. And if any one of you maricones in the lighter classes want to get your ass stomped out by The Damager, give Mr. Early a call and I'm sure he'll hook you up!! I really don't have anything fucking more to say than that.

Dead D: Wow. You're higher strung than usual, guy.

Jorge A: Fuck that! I just want to fight! *disconnection*

Interviewer: Well, it appears we have lost contact with Jorge. The rest of you guys are still here?

Carlos Quintana: Yeah, I am.

Dead D: Still here. Sorry about Jorge, he can be a bit of a douche at times. Plus, he's not exactly a social dragonfly. The only person in Team Disney he gets along with is Bam Bam. Hell, I wonder if he wants to beat ME up sometimes. Deep down, he's good people, though.

Carlos Q: I'm Carlos, my friends call me "Bam Bam", and I'm the current crown holder of the heavyweight division at Four Kings. I'd also like to give a shout out to big Uche Mohammad! Thanks for the chance to face you and I hope you'll continue fighting. Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday to you too.

Interviewer: Gentlemen, can you tell us about your upcoming fights?

Dead D: Well, Jorge is scheduled to fight for the middleweight crown in early to mid-September. It will be against either Iso Fedex or ZorbaThe Greek; whoever wins on August 1st. Honestly, neither one of those guys stand a chance with Jorge Aquino. Especially Zorba—he's too under skilled and too chinny to last more than one round with my guy. That "close-your-eyes- and- hope for a ko" style he employed against Bobby Lee Daniels is not going to cut it with Jorge. There will be no lotteries to win here. Iso will require a more cerebral approach; however, I see the same result as with Zorba:TKO/KO stoppage circa the first round.

Carlos Q: I have a fight coming up with Steve Rogers and I expect it to be very fan friendly. I'm not sure if I'm going to win, but if I follow Disney's fight plan, then I should do pretty well. To be honest, I'm surprised at my success so far. Being a champion this early in my career is not what I expected, especially considering I am mostly a Thai practitioner. It took a long time for me to become a solid,well rounded Thai fighter and I've spent a lot less time working on my other MMA skills. I really didn't see myself being a champion for another year or so, but I'm enjoying the fame and the extra cash for sure!

Interviewer: We're running low on time gentlemen, any last thoughts for the 4K universe? 

Carlos Q: I want to thank Dee Early for signing me when no one else would. I fought my ass off at Overcoming and wasn't even offered a contract extension. That tore me up inside and I was on the verge of giving up MMA altogether when BAM!! Mr. Early calls, signs me to 4K, and now I'm a champion. I'm extremely happy to fight in one of the greatest orgs in Tycoonland. Thanks 4 Kings!!

Dead D: I gotta agree with Bam here: 4 Kings is a pleasure to work with and for. I hope Team Disney can help the company go far. I'd also like to say what up to K-Rad: What up! *Laughter*

Interviewer: Thanks, gentlemen. I'm Cortina Bergans and this concludes the 4 Kings conference call with Team Disney. 


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