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Judas Sinned signs contract with Krum Koev

Fighter profile of Judas Sinned by Jake Fury

In an effort to reincarnate his career, Judas "The Devil" Sinned has signed a contract with manager Krum Koev.

Sinned has two fights left on his contract with Infinity org., located in Helsinki, and obviously felt that the time for a significant change has come.

In an interview with a Hilo local TV "The Devil" said: "Man, it was time to make some improvements.

I have lost some fights and money stopped flowing, also people don't recognize me on the streets anymore.

Krum called two weeks ago and I was impressed by what he had to offer me. Mr. Koev might not be very popular, but he is a predator just like myself - always hungry for success!

I am very excited and hopeful that our mutual work is going to bring enormous results!"

Krum Koev is a newly emerged Bulgarian manager, who already has an established private gym in New York, USA.

Judas Sinned is the 10th fighter on Team Koev's roster.


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