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MMA Tycoon Hour

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MMA Tycoon Hour

Welcome to MMA Tycoon where we talk about everything Tycoon related! With me your host Jacob Williams, and we have an great show planned tonight as we have an interview with Nick Gonzalez, also Ricky Rocker! I review my top ten fights of the week. So let’s go! This week includes Sunday till September 1st.

MMA Tycoon has had a lot of news this week and a lot of banning. My friend Jared Martin has been banned and hopefully not for too long. Also Sir Mamado Tobodia was been banned but he defiantly deserved it as he talks the most shit in the whole community. Buzz has been buzzing as usual and we have had many potential fights pop up from many different areas. There could be an Nick Gonzalez and Adam Gregorian fight, but I doubt Adam has the balls to do that. Also everyone is pumped for Gonzalez vs Jung 2.

So next is I go to interview Nate Gonzalez after his decision loss to Hope Sing Jung, and he had a lot to say. We got to sit down with him and talk about a lot of things.

Q1: As an multi champion and you have been fighting for a long time! How do you come back from an loss and losing your title? What is your plan to come back after this loss?
Well first things first lets stop calling that bullshit decision a loss. I know that aint true, Jung knows it, the fans know it. Jung got his ass beat. You see, I been fighting since long before my MMA debut ive been fighting all throughout my childhood. You gotta have thick skin if you don’t wanna be a victim of Compton. My plan is to bring that Compton heat to the fight. Im gonna do what I did last time but this time imma put bullets in his head instead of just jabs. Im tellin yall im comin with the Compton heat Jung be ready cause It aint gonna be nothing nice. Come ready, motherfucker.

Q2: You are known throughout the MMA community as an mad shittalker which gained you a lot of attention! Do you use this as an strategy or do you do it to gain attention, what do you have to say about this?

Listen homie. I say this shit all the time. I aint like no bitchass Conor Ruttenum, cancrusher Davidson, or Conor the NotoriousFail. I don’t go on buzz just to talk some shit. But I aint gonna stay quiet like no bitch. If I catch anyone talkin shit on me or my brother best believe you gon hear back from one of us. That’s why it’s a lil too easy to get into a feud with us, cause we don’t back down from nobody that’s what our dad taught us, that’s how we go about shit, and that’s what ill teach to my kids one day.

Q3: Do you have any future plans? Any upcoming fights we can get hyped about?
Aye man you already know everybody and they mama tryna land a fight with Gonzalez right now I don’t know why it is but ever since we got on the scene that’s how its been. Just constant shit starters tryna get a rise out of me, ya know. Most of the time im like fuck it lets go, but sometimes even the dorkiest of cans will try to step to me who aint even worth a fight. So I guess if yall wanna know about my future plans all I can say right now is stay tuned. Im currently chasing down the DFC LW “champion” for running his mouth acting like he the shit while subbing a bunch of white belts, ive got David DicklessSon from LKO tryna flex on me, I was thinkin bout shutting that fool up too, but right now im just focused on beating the face off Jung… again. But this time I aint letting a few fat sackless nerds who never once stepped in a cage or a ring, rip me off again. They aint gonna steal shit from me next time im gonna go out and take it. Fuck the judges

Q4: Do you plan on staying with Revolution XC forever? Are u planning on retiring soon maybe?
You know, Jay has kept it 100 the whole time ive been with him. From Island FC to Revolution XC. For the most part he’s been chill asf so apart of me says why fuck up a good thing, but a part of me kinda wants to be like my brother and fight in Japan, London, Vegas, eventually even take a boxing or KT fight. I want to have a career that’s one to remember so that when I do retire years down the road, I can look att everything ive accomplished and be like damn, im a bad motherfucker  but lets be honest that RevXC check is like no other. Both me and my boy Kaedo Neal got huge deals with XC and its home in LA too so it might be hard to not resign. But who knows, I haven’t tested free agency since the Island and even back then I had promoters contacting my manager Eddie Bravo with some big offers on the table. Im happy where im at right now but the Gonzalez’s tend to go where ever the money is at and right now its at rev xc where my belt is at. But where will I be in 3 fights?? Who knows like I said stay tuned motherfuckers.

Q5: For my last question you can finish the interview off with anything you want to add. Also thanks for being here and good luck on your next fight!
Aye thanks for still comin thru with the interview homie look sorry I wa late as fuck I just been grinding all week for this fight, ya know. I didn’t even turn up for my 21st birthday a couple days ago I been living at the gym LOD:Shithouse out here in LA with my homie Kaedo I tore Jung the fuck up last time we fought, ya know. Jung barely healed up his injuries yesterday when I never had a fuckin scratch on me. Jung knows hes about to get his ass beat again, that’s why he staying quiet on Buzz and rightfully so. Im comin to take back what I never really lost and win or lose im gonna go for that shit. No more coasting rounds and shit yall gonna see the old Gonzalez that subbed ally 7 of my first opponents int the first round. Yall gonna see how a Cholo Gangsta really acts up. WAR GONZALEZ BROTHERS COMPTON 310 MOTHERFUCKER!!!!WHUT!!!
Next we have an short little interview with Tycoon veteran Ricky Rocker!
Q1: So Ricky you have been here for a while and you are seen as a legend in many people's eyes. We all have been thinking of how much longer are you going to be fighting?

- Today is my 37th birthday so there may not be many fights left but then again I'm still beating everybody so there's no reason to retire yet. I've never been the most skilled fighter but I trust my gameplans and situational awareness to carry me through these fights and those things give me longevity.

Q2: As the 170lb champ in Syn City who are you going to fight next? What are your plans?

- I have no idea, there's always someone showing up to the door. They all look so same to me. I'm just surprised they huff and puff but can't beat an old man like me.

Q3: As you have been here for awhile how do you train for fights and do you have any tips for upcoming fighters?

- Train wrestling and make those bitches cry more. People are whining about lay and pray or something but those people don't really understand the ground game in depth and what it takes nowadays to win fights on the ground. Blind people only focus on striking, that's what I see mostly in these days. I can beat anybody striking with them if I want but I'm intelligent enough to have options. And my training at Heavy Metal (the best place to train) makes all that possible.

Q4: Do you have anything to add?
Never be 1D. That's all for now.

So to end the hour I will be going through what I believe where the top ten fights of he week. I score the fights on the overall fight, hype, and personal preference. Also only one fight is allowed per event.

#10- Emre Hussain vs Dobber Snorgrass- HFC:55 Capuchin vs Lowe
This fight was great and it wasn’t even an title fight! It was back in fourth and each fighter left it all in the cage and it showed. But in the end the decision victory went too Dobber Snorgrass.

#9- Nakki Fakkri vs Paul OConnell
Nakki vs Paul was an great fight, but it was mostly dominated by Nakki even though he came in as the underdog. He had the momentum and came in with an flurry of punches that finally caught Paul and he was knocked down.

#8- Nick Gonzalez vs Hope Sing Jung 2- ICON Fight Night 1
This was for the lightweight championship and it was na great fight but there was an large uproar on the decision as it seemed Nick was the superior fighter, landing more punches. But overall the fight was intense and the cardio shown was very impressive. We cannot wait for their third fight!

#7- Thomas Hawk vs Mary Jane Rottencrotch - Infinity Live Wire
This fight was for the middleweight division in Infinity and it proved to be an great fight as we hoped. Both fighters came in swinging and looking for blood. But Mary was rocked and then finished off.

#6- George Moshington vs Cholo Van Gaal- Highland Games 196
This fight was for the lightweight championship that was held by Cholo. It was an huge fight with an lot of hype and they proved it, with an fight that went almost to decision but then George came out of no where with an submission in the last thirty seconds! Great fight!

#5- Sparky Anderson vs Roman Yakimyuk - CEFC Live 9
This was an fight for the lightweight championship and Sparky has proven to be an dominant and lethal champion. Again in this fight he dominated through his standup game and powerful strikes. It ended in the first round and was dominating even with less experience than the challenger.

#4- Kostas Mytilinaios vs Keiji Mutou        -  AD374- Valar Dohaeris
Kostas and Keiji was an great fight for the light heavyweight title and it lasted two rounds but the rounds were very intense. Both fighters were going at each other and has the fight in the ground. There were a lot of strong submissions but Kostas kept his title with an great reverse and dominant submission attempt!

#3 Cinder Smaug vs Sawyer Hume  - CEC 468
This fight was just an normal fight in the heavyweight division and it was supposed to be even but dame we were wrong! The dominating power of Cinder Smaug was present and at the end I kinda think it was an mismatch. This fight only lasted thirty seconds wow!

#2- Stanton Crowe vs Cron Spliffton    - MFN 34: Voodoo
This fight was between two Heavyweight veterans and they proved how good they still are with this intense fight! This standup battle was very even and both fighters were landing strikes on each other. But Stanton landed more at the end and that proved to matter as he won by knockout in the second round!

#1 Adolf Hitman vs Ricky Rocker    - Syn 467: Hitman vs Rocker
This fight was an classic fight between elite rising star versus an dangerous veteran in Rocker. This was also for the Welterweight championship and it proved be the best of the week! Both fighters showed that they are badass’s with Hitman’s clinch and Rocker’s ground game! This was the best of the best!


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