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Soylent Green - You are what you eat!

Soylent Green, Nutrition Company, The Island
Company profile by Antony Conway

      Soylent Green is a company committed to bringing the fresh taste of manufactured yummies to the fighters of The Island, whom for too long have had to subsist on homecooked meals and restaurant quality alone. With new easy to make and easy to aquire Soylent Green Crackers, (designed to reduce energy loss by a margin of 150), along with many other goods as soon as funds are allocated, any fighter can enjoy an easy snack/meal/training supplement!

      We understand that a small community may mistake Soylent Green's presence as a corporate amalgamation, however, we are fully commited to The Island fighting community. If at any point you, as a fighter, fall under difficult times and have spent exactly 168 hours on the free market without any managerial applications, feel free to come straight to the Soylent Green office building to apply! We are always looking for fresh new 'employees.'

      Soylent Green, as a company, will always do its best to remain fair, in both prices as well as quality. So if you have to choose, choose green; Soylent Green! After all, you are what you eat.


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