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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Jay's Tycoon Tips

Editorial by Jay Lawrence

The topic of this article is training in the gym -

In a previous article I discussed training your new creation, but now I will discuss the finer points of training when preparing for your next fight.

First we must make sure we've selected the right gym.  If you are just making a 25 year old creation to get 4 QFC wins in and dumping him, then yeh, stay in cozad and do your work. But, if you are serious about winning fights and creating good fighters, get out of Cozad and get into a good gym.  There are very few public gyms that are worth a darn in this game.  They're okay, but you just aren't going to get what you need out of them.  So, my recommendation is to definitely get into a private gym.  Easier said than done, right?  Yeah, I know sometimes it can be hard to get your way into a private gym, but there are plenty of nutrition owners, clothing owners, and org owners that are looking for someone to partner with to create a gym.  Start talking to them, one of them might fund the start of the gym and there ya go!

Or, join an alliance.  Some alliances, especially the ones that have been around awhile, have their own private gyms for their members.  These gyms are typically as good as you will need as most alliances require certain rules in their gyms and for good reason.

Those rules typically include not allowing more than 2 fighters training per session.  The reason for this is when you have more than 2 fighters, they will get decreasing gains.  1 or 2 fighters gets the optimal gain from a training session.  They also ask that you spar often. Sparring is a necessity to creating a great fighter and it also relieves space in training sessions. I recommend sparring at least 4 times per week.

Looking through the guys my fighters are fighting against and through the fighter's list at DFC I see so many fighters with energy below 80%.  Don't let your fighters get below 80% energy.  They will get less effectiveness from their training and it is simply a waste. I'm not hiding any secrets here, I don't let my fighters get below 85%.  Each day I go through my assistant and whoever has energy below 90%, I give them a rest session.  Each fighter enters Sunday down about 85-90% though and the reason for that is because Sunday gives 2 rest sessions.  Now, you don't have to get that technical with it, just don't let them go below 80%.  An easy way to almost guarantee this will happen is to make sure they have at least 2 rest sessions between Tuesday and Thursday. I do this with either 1 on Tuesday and 1 on Thursday, or 2 on Wednesday.

Now that we understand the fundamentals of training, we can focus on what I really want to talk about - getting ready for your next fight. First, understand your fighter's strengths and weaknesses and study your opponent's strengths and weaknesses.  If you are a standup fighter and your opponent is a ground fighter, you might want to focus on Wrestling, takedown defense and balance or perhaps Muay Thai, clinchwork and strength.  Thats the easy stuff.  But where I see most people make mistakes are on the stand up vs. stand up or ground vs. ground.  If you have a standup fighter and you will be facing a standup fighter, train standup.  Don't waste energy training BJJ and defensive grappling, etc.  Additionally, if your fighter is a ground fighter facing another ground fighter, train your ground skills.

The key to winning is simple.  Be great at what you're good at and be great at defending what they're good at.  Focus your training and your creation to cover these two basic concepts and you will win fights.  If your fighter is good at everything, he will be great at nothing. Don't train the wrong things, focus your training to win because many fights are won in the gym long before they reach the cage.

As always, if you have any questions, please PM me.  If you have a request for the next edition of Jay's Tycoon Tips, send them my way!


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