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Tom Mitchell Q&A

Fighter profile of Tom Mitchell by Alika Webb

Q: The newest season of the popular Island challenge has officially begun. While last season may have ended with a whimper, the sixth season of the Island looks to start with a bang and to celebrate the start of the fifth season we decided to pay a visit to one of the fighters who's already making some waves on the island. Tom Mitchell and his opponent Conan Gracie will represent the light heavyweight division when they lock horns on Deserted Fighting's second event. Tom, since not much is known about you, would you be so kind to introduce yourself to our readers?



Tom: My name is Tom Mitchell, I'm a light heavyweight and I'm here to win!



Q: Bold statement! Your confidence must be through the roof after making your successful MMA debut. You've already proved yourself in a battle as you've faced a fellow Brazilian Jiu Jitsu artist and not only came out victorious but you made it look easy too. Did the fight go the way you planned it to go?



Tom: Me and my coaches came up with a plan and I tried to stick to it, but sometimes in battle things don't go the way you planned and that's when you need to be able to wing it.



Q: How does it feel to get a submission victory against a submission fighter?



Tom: Phenomenal to be honest. That's just a beautiful win on my record and I hope that it does put me on the map for possible future title contention.



Q: If you win your next fight, a title fight may be exactly what the future could have in store for you. Though the same thing can be said about you next opponent, Conan Gracie. What do you know about him and how are preparations going for that fight?



Tom: Despite his familiar sounding name, from what I gather he's actually a boxer rather than a BJJ fighter. So this might be a classic striker Vs grappler fight. As for my preparations, I believe I just answered that question as well.



Q: There you have it folks, the sixth season of the Island has begun and I for one don't want to miss a thing. Tom, thank you very much for this interview and I can't wait to see your next fight.


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