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Taco Stiffy Interviews Kingston Brown

Fighter profile of Kingston Brown by

 TS: Talk To Taco!! With everybody's favorite guy Taco Stiffy!! Taco has a few questions for you guy are you ready to Talk To Taco?

KB: Yeah! Lets Do This!

TS:Have you found a gym so that you can get big a buff like taco?

KB: Yeah, I got an invite to go and train at the KING OF PAIN with some of the best fighters that are here on the Island. Its been a great experience for me and I have really learned a lot so far.

It is great atmosphere in there and all they guys keep things fun. Hell in the morning training session we all get there a little early and have a dance party.

TS:Did you know that every body loves Taco Stiffy?

KB: When I decided to come be apart of this Island season the thing I was looking forward to most was meeting the infamous Taco Stiffy. I had heard a lot about you from a few guys back home. I hope its all true!

TS:What do you think of the Island clothing stores ?

So far the only clothes I have bought have been from Darkness Clothing, which has some great clothing. However my next clothing purchase will be from Hellraiser Clothing as they are now my main sponsor.

TS: Is there a certain type of style you would like to see?

KB: Honestly id love to see some tank tops available, it get real hot here on the Island.

TS: Did you get A Every body loves Taco shirt before they sold out?

KB: No I didn't even see them on the shelves.

TS:What do you think of the island orgs so far?

KB: Revolution has treated me well so far. As far as those other guys, who cares. Revolution is where its at!

TS:To follow up on the last question how much do previews and reviews matter to you? Do you look at the event posters? Taco likes posters!

KB: Honestly I don't read the previews as to me they don't matter. I know what I need to do and what I'm going to do to my opponent. The reviews are nice so I can read someone describe the slaughter I put my opponents through. As far as posters, I mean I can't miss them, they are plastered all over town.

TS:Is there anybody on the island you don't like?

KB: The only person I don't like is whoever my next opponent is at any given time. I tape their picture to my heavy bag at my gym.

TS:Have you Been to Taco's Bar and Grill ? If you go order 

The Big Stiffy they are great!

KB: I haven't been yet but I do love a good Taco. Let's go get some after this interview.

TS:Is there any thing you want to say to the fighters on the island?or your Fans? or Both?

KB: To other fighters, while I may be nice and friendly out on the streets and beaches, be ready. If we meet in the cage, I'll pound your face in. And to my fans, I love you all. You're the reason I train so hard. It's not about the fame or the money. Although money would be nice. My fans are everything to me. Seeing all them out there with my Kingston signs at the events drives me to fight harder.

TS:Well That is It interview over there is only one last thing to do!Smile pretty for Taco!!



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