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Super-Sports-Sector Interview with A.J.B

Fighter profile of Anthony Jay Bronie by Murchead UaToirneach

At this time of year, we all take an eye from New York, or Vegas, and so on to the ocean. And nobody took that more seriously than Anothy Jay Bronie, affectionatly known as AJB by his friends. Booking a flight to the location only known as The Island, AJB has decided to throw his lot in to the world of MMA. Missing an eye, half an ear, and a finger, many think he's too battered to start his career, but we would like to think otherwise. We take you to an interview conducted by correspondant Bob Bifford, that took place after his debut fight at the bottom of the card in Revolution Island.

BB: So, Anthony, is it ok if I call you that? There are many out there who say the Island isn't for the feint of hart, and that the beatings you took prior to turning to professional MMA will work against you, what do you think?

AJB: Anthony is fine. And, I'd like to say it's never too late to make a change in your life. I'm sure you can tell by my looks that Jui Jitsu was taking far too much of a toll on me, and that I needed to go into something else. I considered Pro Wrestling, but I mean, what company would ever want a guy who looks like me? That'd be ludicrous!

BB: You'd be surprised. But on point, you've were picked as the first match on the Revolution Island Night 1 card. And, to top it off, most analysts think you'll be taken down by KO around the middle of the 2nd round. Yet instead you managed to make your opponent tap out in only 50 seconds! An incredible feat, but some are saying this might work against you!

AJB: I can see what they mean. My time in Jitsu taught me that a long match truely let's you learn your strengths and weaknesses, and that while winning so quickly is good, the fact that I didn't take any licks I could learn from does concern me somewhat. However, to the critics and naysayers, I'll add. You bet against me once, and now you have egg on your face. So maybe you should keep your mouths shut next time!

BB: Ah, a bit of fire in you! Glad to see it. One final question Anthony. What do you, personally, hope to get out the Island before you rejoin us in the wider world of MMA?

AJB: Well, while I certainly would love to say to win the big tournament at the end, I know that realistically, that's quite a hard ask. What I really want, from a more grounded perspective, is to come out having proven to myself that this really is something I can do, and then to maybe finish out the tail end of my career somewhere in New York making some decent money to support my family.

BB: You heard it everyone, ready to fight, and a family man! Back to you Jim.


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