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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Jay's Tycoon Tips

Editorial by Jay Lawrence

The topic of this article is getting your rank up-

This came as a special request and because I've had several people asking me lately, "How did you get so high in rankings?"

Well, the easiest answer is, read my Tycoon Tips articles!  I don't hide anything here folks, this is easy stuff and other than telling you exactly how I do my sliders, I am an open book.  I've even told you how I create my fighters and how I train my fighters.  But let's get down to the basics of the question, gaining ranking.

First, get a lot of fighters.  It's going to be hard to get anywhere in rank with 4 fighters and no Tycoon Assistant.  If you want to be considered anything more than a pleb, get VIP.  Get at least 10 fighters and that Tycoon Assistant. If you can afford it, get 25 fighters!  That's what I did.

Check the free agency daily.  The type of fighters you want to find on there are fighters that were released because a manager went inactive too long, fighters that were released because someone lost VIP, fighters that were released because an account was deleted for breaking rules, or fighters that were released because they have 4 QFC wins, but they have good hiddens (such as granite chin) and are close to an ID milestone (such as 300k, or 290k).  Once you get one of these fighters, sign the appropriate ID-restricted org, follow the training guides and fight preparation guides I've told you about in previous Tycoon Tips articles, and win fights.

Create your own fighters.  You want quick rank?  Make a 25 year old.  Make him how I taught you in a prior Tycoon Tip article (see the theme here?) and get 4 QFC wins in.  Over 90% of the fighters in QFC are trash, so you should be winning about 90% of your fights if you do it right. After the 4 QFC wins, if your fighter has the hiddens you want, sign him to an ID restricted org and dominate.  If he doesn't have the hiddens, kick him loose to the FA.

You want top level rank?  Make a 16-18 year old project.  Follow the guidelines I've given you and build him up.  This takes much longer and requires far more patience, but this is the key to sustaining a top rank. The worst mistake I see people make with their 18 year olds is fighting them too often.  And that brings me to -


Don't accept fights you're not ready for.  I know, this is horrible coming from an org owner and some org owners might despise me for saying this.  But seriously, if your fighter is not ready to fight, decline the fight and ask for more time.  If your org owner gets upset about that, he can beat his face.  Just don't be a dick and sit on the fight offer without taking action.

Don't fight QFC level 2.  Why anyone fights this I really don't know.  I guess if you have a peaked fighter who has dropped below 70 hype or whatever it is, then maybe you would want to fight lvl 2 QFC?  Or maybe if you have a project fighter who has now peaked but has not yet fought, then you should fight lvl 2 QFC.  Otherwise, I see soo many fighters who have lvl 2 QFC losses, what a waste!  Don't do that folks.

Getting top 200 is not an easy task for the new manager.  But the recipe for getting to the top 200 and even further has been given to you.  If you use it, you will win more than you lose and you will improve.  I am not the best player in this game or even a top player and although my rank might show 12th right now, I probably belong outside the top 100. However, if you have questions, I am an open book and I enjoy helping - just send me a PM!


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