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The Noli Evening Show

Fighter profile of Juan Miguel by Kc Madrigal

 Good Morning Philippines and Hello world today im proud to say that we are given a chance to interview our very own countries pride to represent the filipino people in the MMA world. Please welcome the undefeated pride of the philippines Mr. Juan "Boom Boom" Miguel (292134).


Noli : Hello Juan good evening

JM : Hi there sir Noli 

Noli : So how are you how's your day or how's your training ?

JM: its pretty awesome im learning new skills  and i got a new technique 

Noli: what is it can you share it with us??

JM: well hmm. its a bit surprising i guess you should watch my next fight im going to show it

Noli: ooww., its a surprise huh.

JM: yes and im sure Reggie "Razor " Lewis (291856) and his corner will surely know they should let RAZOR to retire .

Noli: ow some hot words. we are surely going to watch that for sure im excited how our countries pride to knock his opponent down.any last words to your country men and to all or your fans before we end this short interview?

JM: well to my fellow country men to my lovable fans everyday im learning and learning a new skill so that i can continue my record as undefeated so that the people in the world would know how good we are at fighting and we are the next big thing in mma world ., i would never stop representing our country to the world i am proud to be a filipino. i love you guys i love you all spread the love ,.

Noli : well thats it ladies and gentlemen our very own the future of mma worl Mr. Juan "Boom Boom" Miguel (292134). 


Thats it for tonight guys im Noli Decastro your host saying " eVERY MAN HAVE A RIGHT TO CHOOSE HIS OWN DESTINY. GOODNIGHT EVERYONE TILL NEXT FRIDAY .




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