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Buzz Lightyear lands on The Island

Fighter profile of Buzz Lightyear by Jay Lawrence

Buzz Lightyear is a strange person all by himself.  Anyone who has met him would probably say he likely came from a different planet.  However, Buzz was comes from Qatar and is not in any way an astronaught, a toy, or a "Buzz Lightyear".  In face his real name is Mike Abraham and if anyone wants to understand Mike, they need to understand his history.

Mike comes from a wealthy English-speaking family living in Qatar.  Mike's family was in the oil shipping business and his parents did very well for themselves.  Neither of Mike's parents really had to work, their business ran itself and Mike as an only child traveled the world experiencing many exotic things.  Mike was particularly interested in Muay Thai after watching a Muay Thai world competition in Thailand as a young toddler.

However, it was in that same Thailand that Mike's mother contracted a unique virus.  The virus caused Mike's mother to turn an alien-like green color and to lose her ability to talk.  Doctors and nurses in Qatar were unable to cure Mike's mother and her life faded away in less than a year.  Mike, at the age of just 5 years old was left with only his father.

Mike's father had an immediate meltdown and despite counseling, drugs, and psychiatric treatment, nothing seemed to work.  Mike's father believed he was a space lord sent to the earth to raise the hero (Mike Abraham) that would save the earth. Mike's father believed Mike was Buzz Lightyear.


For a short time, Mike was taken away from his father which only made matters worse for each of them. Professionals decided Mike's father's condition was not detrimental to Mike in anyway and eventually reunited the two.  Mike's father did not have to work or worry about money as the business still grew strong, and his every minute focus was on Mike.  Mike was dressed in extravagant Buzz Lightyear outfits and enjoying his father's company, Mike went along with the charade.  Mike's father enrolled Mike into mixed martial arts where his training to save the world would continue. With the best trainers, the best diets and an insatiable desire to win, Mike dominated in his amateur career and eventually joined The Island.

At the age of 18, Mike contracted with KT-Kids to start a kickboxing career on The Island.  Mike fights under the name Buzz Lightyear in honor and support of his father.  Mike arrives at the cage dressed entirely like Buzz Lightyear. Mike's outfits, personality, and ability to crush his opponents in the arena has made him the favorite athlete of children around the world effectively expanding the demographic of MMA.



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