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Poem to my opponent

Fighter profile of Art Brock by Orion Petersen


To Frank “N.” Stein,

As I lay down tonight, I think about my next fight.

And my opponent Frank N Stein, who is about to lose his spine

Do I rip it out, or knock it about?

The thing thinks he is scary, the thought makes me merry.

A monster in DFC, more like another fish in the sea.

Is he ready to be eaten, or just get a good beating?

I’m excited about my Vegas debut, I write down a list, a to do.

I need to meet the press, and leave my opponent in distress.

What else should be on the list?  Ahh yes, make sure to use my fist!

With great expectations,

“Granite” Art Brock

P.S. Don’t forget to tune into the fight September 30th at The Palmtree in Vegas!


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