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Can a lil scrub from bed sty be a champion?

Fighter profile of Decker Dogwood by J J Tycooner

 "BIGG" Decker Dogwood

Decker is from bed sty NY he grew up like most kids from the ghetto in new York poor and rough.

Decker is a mixed kid half white half black thow you won't know it from the looks of him he looks like a white boy !


If it wasn't for the fact is mom is black and his dad is the whitee
nobody would even believe him hats how white he is!

Decker never plan on being a fighter he was going to be a rap star !


His BF Siya was a ill ass rapper from bed sty and was killing everybody on the mic in ny they were going to do hip hop together but she moved out to Oakland.


He entered a bad man thing on a dare and won the shit he bounced around with a different manager for awhile  then he met jay they both like hip hop and weed!


He won some and lost some under jay but has won 4 straight fights by ko.


Decker is 22 years old and he is starting to put it together he is hoping his next fight will be for Generation's gold! If so Siya will be walking him to the ring doing a song for him!

Can a lil scrub from bed sty be a champion? stay tune we will see   


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