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BDU 126 Preview

Event Preview: BDU 126
Sydney Fight Championship
2012-08-04, Hilo, Hula's

This report is brought to you by Andy Sim(as Hustler D).

FW: "Pretty Pete" Peter Parker(16-7) vs Siduri Rafter(18-10)

Two former Reach fighters is opening for BDU 126 and the stack is higher than usual because this is the second match between both fighters. In Reach 76, Rafter showed his ground game to the world and pounded Parker into a TKO. With that said, Parker's key factor in this one is his takedown defense. If he cannot hold off against the takedowns, then history will repeat itself and he won't be pretty anymore. I think Parker is banking on the clinch for this one.

Prediction: Rafter, decision.

LHW: Les Grossman(16-10-1) vs "Killer" Kyle Mortis(23-12-1, 3-5-1 BDU)

Mortis continues to fail under pressure and he needs another win to reset his journey. Grossman really isn't someone you would like to face on a recovery phase thanks to his sickening wrestling and long-lasting pressure with boxing. Mortis is outclassed in almost any place so a tactical brilliance is much needed for him.

Prediction: Grossman, KO.

LW: Ty Angle(19-19) vs Benton Styles(15-6-1, 4-6-1 BDU)

Angle is a veteran but until this point of his career, has not shown any big sign for him to truly be a good star. Always challenging himself, he has no desire to drop to a lower ranking org and is happy with his performance in the larger org. BDU is as challenging as it comes and despite Styles might not be well-respected in the ladder for now, his skill isn't bad at all. A power striker himself, Styles can boss around with his level of striking but making sure that he can defend against takedowns at the same time. Once it's on the ground, Angle is a beast, as proven by his 100% submission win rate.

Prediction: Styles, KO.

FW: "The Devils Icon" Christian Satanmury(22-10, 3-4 BDU) vs Chauncey "Nightcrow" Silvestre(16-7-1)

Another BDU vs Reach challenge as Satanmury tries to hold on to a top-end seat in the FW division. Satanmury had a bad start in BDU but has fought his heart out to bounce back. He has a tad too many rematches in a short time so a new opponent for him is good match. Trying to get a good start of himself is Nightcrow, a former Reach title holder albeit no title defense, he has been at the top of the division for sure. While both men are quite good in various positions, Satanmury has problem with his defense and his chin and Silvestre has some problem on the ground. Game planning on their opponent's defense and weak point might be a key in this critical battle.

Prediction: Satanmury, decision.

MW: Oji San(13-3, 0-1 BDU) vs "The Destroyer" Ragnar Danneskjold(23-15)

Oji definitely wants a win now to wash away the defeat in the recent BDU 120. To achieve that, he needs to destroy The Destroyer himself. While Danneskhold is not a fighter with record that can make someone pees on their pants, his boxing/wrestling double factor is good enough to threaten his opponents. While both are good strikers, Oji probably have the advantage in clinch and so he should utilize it. Danneskjold's problem is that ironically, he is fairly easy to destroy due to his weak defense and you need good defense to survive in BDU, even more in the top tier.

Prediction: Oji, KO.

LW: Jacque Schtrappe(14-5, 4-0 BDU) vs Miguel "El Tigre" Lopez(19-5, 1-2 BDU)

With a 4-0 and 3 finishes record in BDU, you might as well be blind if you still can't see that Schtrappe is a rising star/threat in the LW division. Now that he is proven to be truly good, BDU gives him an established tough man, Miguel Lopez to him. With a rough BDU start, Lopez surely wants to steal the momentum away from Schtrappe. A swarmer, Lopez loves to ride the high pace to outwork his opponent on the scorecard while Schtrappe prefers the technical approach. Schtrappe will need to find a way to deal with the pace or he will not really win the decision, given that this go for the full 15 minutes.

Prediction: Schtrappe, KO.

LHW: Sun Kato(26-6) vs José "Scarface" Nabijos(21-4-1)

Two men from a different background but has some kind of relation with the blacker world - gangster territory - so I see this as more than a normal match with both men trying to represent themselves as part of the family. As both men are delighted strikers, it's most likely a fair and square striking clash and Nabijos had the advantage on paper because of his iron chin and better power output judging by the finishing rate. Of course, Kato can gain result but he has to fight with his brain instead of his muscle to get it done.

Prediction: Nabijos, KO.

FW Title: Joao Pequeno(24-7, 1-0 BDU) vs Luke Fluke(22-7, 10-3 BDU)

With a debut title win, Pequeno would want to confirm and prove his position as a true BDU champion to the world by winning his first title defense. Fluke wants Rhino for the title but then, time has changed and he now has to face the new champion. Despite a long career out of BDU, we cannot be so sure about the level of Pequeno inside the BDU cage yet. We do see that he has some explosive striking attacks at the very least. Fluke has been a consistent striker over his BDU stay so no one will ever doubt his fast-pacing action. High pace or not, Fluke needs to avoid the killing shots from Pequeno and try to vary the angle and prevent himself from overworking. Pequeno has the reach advantage so utilize that will help him here.

Prediction: Fluke, decision.

SHW Title: "The Lost Seraphim" Francis Inzaghi(14-3, 1-0 BDU) vs Patrick "The American Psycho" Bateman(26-9, 1-0 BDU)

Another new champion in the Reach Invasion era, I would personally give him a BDU veteran in his first title defense but he was given another ex-Reach fighter. The American Psycho is formerly a HW fighter but after a successful SHW BDU debut in BDU 122 and with a title shot offered to him, there's no doubt he will take it and try to grab it. Inzaghi is the bigger man and trying to imposing his will through sheer force sounds like a plan, especially when you are against someone knockoutable like Bateman. Bateman has the power too to be a big threat but his personal reach isn't that good. I think he will try to rush into a clinch and try something there since he has more weapons than Inzaghi there.

Prediction: Inzaghi, decision.

HW: "Iron" Fist Fighter(25-9-1, 1-0 BDU) vs "Old Man" Sergeant Peppers(25-6-1, 8-2-1 BDU)

Peppers continues to ride on his winning streak and so far, it has been one heck of an achievement in his career. Hoping to stay the bullet train is none other than Fist, who indeed loves to do his talking with fists. Fist definitely has a solid pair of hands and his hand speed is unbelievable for a HW as he throws it as fast as one from the 170lbs weight class. While Fist finds no problem in his career with his specialization, Peppers's versatility is why he has been so successful. He loves to press the action with both standing and ground threat and once he gets a takedown on you, you know you are in a lot of trouble. Fist is much lighter than Peppers so he needs to avoid to fight power with power. Footwork, head movement, speed, agility and so on are all the elements he needs to brawl and sprawl with the huge monster Peppers.

Prediction: Peppers, KO.


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