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LFC 1: Post event analysis by MMA Hype

Event Review: LFC 1
Lawless Fight Club (300k+)
2016-10-01, Los Angeles, Wild Bob's Bar - Los Angeles
Attendance:628, Event Rating:71
Author:James Listerman

 Tonight on MMA Hype, Jared Asante and Brett Clarke are with LFC owner James Listerman, to analyze LFC’s first event.

Here’s Jared and Brett.


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Jared Asante: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! LFC 1 was a huge success, thanks to the participation of our beloved sponsor, Kaiser fightwear, but most importantly, thanks to all fighters that showed up and gave us an incredible performance.


Brett Clarke: Indeed Jared. It was extremely fun to see all the new fighters, some of them at their professional debut, go in the cage without fear and deliver a performance we all wanted, the LFC fanbase will only grow stronger after this.

James Listerman is with us, first of all, what did you think about LFC 1?


James Listerman: Before going in details regarding LFC 1, I’d like to thank all the managers and fighters that made this event possible. As a brand new fight organization, it can be quite the gamble for a manager to sign fighters here, but this is just the beginning of a great thing. Fear not, this is the first of many successful events.

With that said, LFC 1 was an awesome event, for the fighters, for the managers, and especially for the fans. When the undercard is as good as the main card, it adds a good mix to the entire event, and the fans wanted more after the last fight.


Brett: Anything you would have done different, knowing it would have been such a success?


James Listerman: The only thing I would have done different, book a bigger venue. Wild Bob’s Bar is an awesome place to hold such an event, but with the amount of fans that were watching on the big screen outside of the bar, we could easily have sold out a venue at least twice this size.


Jared: We actually went outside before the main card begun to chat with some fans, I think the LFC has the best fanbase ever.


James Listerman: That’s what we aim for. We can’t really control who likes or dislikes us, but we do everything that we can to please, and I think it’s worked well.


Brett: Alright, now let’s talk about the fights as a whole. What impressed me the most, is the amount of finishes we saw tonight. 8 finishes out of 10 fights, 7 of those in the first round, were you surprised at with this outcome?


James Listerman: To be honest, not really. I mean, we’re an organization that promotes fighters who start their careers, these are the fights that will usually end up being either one sided crazy aggressive until one’s chin gives up. Fighters are here to prove themselves, and to build themselves a fanbase. This is what you have to do to prove yourself worthy in the tycoon universe. Get yourself some “of the night” awards and you’ll gain the best of both world: more fans and a bigger bank account.


Brett: That’s really true. Personally, I loved the main event fight. Stanchev showed great skills in that fight, but McPunchface shower huge heart. I got rocked and knockdown a few times, he still got back up to fight, that’s determination right there.

And Stanchev calling for a title fight in his post interview, any thoughts?


James Listerman: To be honest, he would be the first in live for a title fight, no doubt, but with only 1 event completed, we still have to wait to get a solid fighter base before starting to throw out the titles. I’d say around LFC 10, this is most likely when the first titles will start to flow.


Jared: Well that’s all the time we had for tonight, hope you enjoyed LFC 1, it was a pleasure to be part of it, thanks to James Listerman for being with us, and we’ll see you all next time!


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