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Honor and FORTITUDE 300K+

Editorial by Albert Kaufman

    FORTITUDE 300K+ is an Amsterdam based Fight Organization that seems to be steadily rising the ranks to one of the top leagues. Launching their first event exactly one month ago on September 10, 2016 with FORTITUDE 1 at Wild Bob's Bar, owner Danny Laverty booked 8 fights primarily focused on the 145lb division.
    The event was headlined by 145LB veteran fan favorite Aidan "Steel-Knuckle" O'Neil and co-headlined by Sean Plouman facing off against, now retired, Johnny Blaze. With a total of 8 bouts on the card, the first FORTITUDE 300K+ event was underway. Only two of the 8 fights went the distance, the rest finished within the first two rounds. This included the headlining fight ending in impressive fassion by 1st round TKO.
    Since the pioneer event FORTITUDE 300K+ has been on an impressively steady incline when you take a deeper look at the statistics and Roster. Lets take a look at the then to now statics shall we:
FORTITUDE 1 sold 496 seats out of the maximum of 750 with a disclosed fighter pay of $65502

The most recent event

FORTITUDE 3 sold out the arena with 750 seats and topped fighter pay with $90000

That is a difference with less then a month, not including the ALLIANCE WARS events that are collaborated.
    Now FORTITUDE has shifted its focus into restacking every weight division to give the fans more faces to punch and more arms to snap for their viewing pleasures. Fighters like 170LB new comer Chief "Hot Shit " Curry out of Sydney, Muay Thai phenom Gustav "The Crature" The Creature who is set to fight FORTITUDE 300k+ undefeated newcomer Albert "Bullshark" Kaufmann. These are just the first few that I can find that were worth mentioning, there are tons more.
    So it is safe to say that FORTITUDE 300k+ is rapidly becoming one of the MMA Tycoon family. With the growth of Amateur fighters and the appearance of newcomers as the Community continues to grow its seems as though FORTITUDE 300K+ has conjured an algarhythem to concrete their success.

FORTITUDE 4                ---- 2016-10-15      Amsterdam
FORTITUDE 5                ---- 2016-10-22      Amsterdam
Alliance Wars R3: Group A  ----    2016-10-26     Amsterdam
Alliance Wars R3: Group B  ----    2016-10-26     Amsterdam
Alliance Wars R3: Wildcard ----    2016-10-26     Amsterdam


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