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LFC 3 Aftermath

Event Review: LFC 3
Lawless Fight Club (300k+)
2016-10-15, Los Angeles, Wild Bob's Bar - Los Angeles
Attendance:750, Event Rating:69
Author:James Listerman

 Tonight on MMA Hype, Jared Asante and Brett Clarke are with LFC owner, James Listerman, to review LFC 3 that just ended. It was packed at Wild Bob’s Bar on Saturday night, and the fighters gave the fans a crazy show that they will remember. Only 1 fight went to a decision, and it was fight of the night, so this is what you want to see as a fan.

Here’s Jared and Brett, along with James Listerman.


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Jared Asante: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! LFC 3 is now in the books, and the big boys delivered pretty much what we expected; early finishes! We are here with James Listerman who clearly looks like a happy man.


Brett Clarke: I would be happy too if I were him, the LFC fighters are always looking like they’re having the time of their lives, which is the main goal. We’ve had a crazy night of fights, big guys knocking each other out, some quicker than others, but the most impressive thing here is, 8 finishes out of 9 were in the first round. This is one of the quickest event I’ve seen in my life. Surprised about it James?


James Listerman: Not at all. We did mention this before the event even started, LFC 3 featured mostly fighters over 205 pounds, so when you have those guys in a cage, especially at that level of skills, you have to expect early finishes. Any fight could have gone either way, it was pretty much who landed first.


Brett: As for the main event, we all expected a quick grappling match, but just under 30 seconds, that’s pretty impressive isn’t it?


James Listerman: Ferrara vs Nsoko. Yes we expected a quick grappling match, and we knew who would start on top, but Ferrara has shown that he’s a big threat for the 265 division. Basically takedown, punch, punch and that’s all he needed tonight. Jonny Ferrara, remember the name, because this kid is going somewhere. That quick GNP KO gave him an extra $3000 in his pockets for KO of the night, what a performance.


Brett: Submission of the night went to Shmaryahu Bensoussan for his quick Guillotine, thoughts?


James Listerman: We knew Bensoussan was ready for that fight, and that Theil had a hard time during his training camp, but Theil started that fight pretty damn good. He still managed to get the fight where he wanted, he got a quick clinch, then a takedown, but Bensoussan was just too much for him off his back, he just kept working until he locked that beautiful submission, totally deserving that sub of the night.


Jared: My favorite fight to watch was actually one of the 155 bouts. It’s no surprise that they got fight of the night, but even then, that fight had every aspect of MMA. A really close decision at that.


James Listerman: Indeed a close decision. You could see in the fight that Randolph Coleman wanted to fight on the ground, and Johnny Texas wanted nothing of it. Coleman managed to dominate the first round quite easily, but he ran out of juice starting the second round. Texas put his striking dominance to work in round 2 and 3, that was enough to get a decision, even though he wanted to end that fight. Nice decision for Texas who sounded like a crowd favorite in his post fight interview. They love that performance, and so did we.

Jared: Well that’s all the time we had folks, hope you enjoyed LFC 3, it’s been a pleasure to be here tonight, like usual, we had the greatest time! See you later!


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