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ASYLUM ---- Birth of a Fight League

Editorial by Albert Kaufman

ASYLUM: an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance. 2. an inviolable refuge, as formerly for criminals and debtors

    The word Asylum has forever been associated with the criminally insane portrayed as such within movies, songs and books. Now lets step out of the normal locations of the word and step into where it truly belongs, the fight game.
    A new Fight Organization has risen that promises to embody the concept of rough, tough, insane and eye-opening entertainment. Simply named 'ASYLUM', this organization has hit the ground running and has already scheduled bouts to claim Champions on October 21, 2016 taking place at the Famous New York Micro-Arena.
    This potentially star-studded League is only in its beginning stages and are currently accepting all requests. Catering at this moment to the new up and coming fighters, each scheduled bout will consist of two of the hungriest fighters still trying to earn a reputation. What better way then to grow with an already growing league?
    Lets review the Headliners for this event:

    Our Co-Mainevent is between our big boy warriors, going at it unmercifully for the honor to become the very first ASYLUM 265+ LB Champion. Big "Bad" Bear has his undefeated record threatened by fierce striker Stanley "Peter Puffer" Chrome. This is a classic match-up between talented grappler against talented striker, which as we all know make the most unpredictable fights. Chrome, known for his superhuman-like strength, plans on keeping his opponent standing where he can deliver the most punishment. Bear has plans to force his opponent to the mat where he can, by his name, maul him to TKO victory and remain undefeated in his professional career.

    For the 170LB Title Joe "The Beast " Tolken takes on Jujitsu Purple Belt Gary "Goose" Gray. Tolken has made a reputation as one of the top Boxers in the sport and plans to land as many accurately deafening shots as he can on his opponent. Across the cage there is a man that prides himself with his Jujitsu capabilities and instinct to find the submission. Gray has been the subject of much discussion when the title 'Catch Submissionist' comes up in Gyms. If he is to have any chance to survive the bombing, which can only be compared to our entry into OIF 1, then he will need to Neutralize to the mat and find a limb.

    With the beginning so close all we can do is hope for more events that will chill our spine. Not every day that we see the birth of an organization that has the knowledge, experience and the connections to become one of the Top Leagues in the business. Join now or miss the boat.

October 21st




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