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GAMMA: Gerbert Inducted to Manager HOF

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

I am proud to announce that Gerbert Bryant (84742) has been inducted to the GAMMA Hall Of Fame. It comes on the day that Ivar Lodbrok won the title off Joe Gage to earn Gerbert his 5th title fight.

Gerbert is not known for his titles, he is however known for his consistency and dedication. Over his GAMMA career he has amassed a total of 110 fights, ranking him 7th all time in this category. He is also 6th all time in total wins with 57. He was inducted into our HOF with a total of 290 points, which is ranked 8th all time.

Our key top 5 candidates for the next induction are:

Pawel Ufcowski (52087)
Paulie Walnuts (79001)
Seppo Koskinen (2820)
Central Park Wigan (27741)
Digga Dogman (91254)

Pawel is the biggest favorite to being inducted next as he has the slight advantage at the moment with a total of 277 points, but Paulie has a pretty good chance as well, he has 270 points, a lot will depend on how the results go in the next 5-6 weeks.

The #3 to #5 on the list currently do not have any fighters in GAMMA and everyone else in the org is way behind, so it is unlikely anyone will be able to challenge Paulie or Pawel.


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