I am proud to announce that Pawel Ufcowski has been inducted to the official GAMMA HOF!
Pawel is a long time GAMMA manager with 78 fights to his name as of the 15th of October. He is ranked 7th all time in total Profile fights (Title fights + Super fights) with 27 in total. He is also ranked 9th in total all time points with 277. He will be awarded a GAMMA Legend custom trophy within the next few days.
With his induction, he joined our current group which includes:
Gale Hawthorne (22636)
Whymer Van Mastodon (40116)
Mr Gutz (3074)
Boondock The Destroyer (503)
Igor Psycho (6994)
Face Kicker (2965)
Dom Jaehnke (20196)
Gerbert Bryant (84742)
Richard Davenport (10647)
Grund McGrunderson (3341)
The top candidates for induction next are:
Paulie Walnuts (79001) + Seppo Koskinen (2820)
Paulie has the edge though because he is still an active member of the roster as of December 2016.
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