Title fights you asked yes there will be 6!
6 champions will try and defend there belt if you see one island card thhis season this is it!
265 lbs 5 5 Brock Lesnar v Marc Shelton 265 lbs title
265+ lbs5 5 Macho Man v Rostam Xerxes 265+ lbs title
145 lbs 5 5 Harry Baals v Brock Lesnar 145 lbs title
155 lbs 5 5 Derek Pappalardo v Frank Dux 155 lbs title
185 lbs 5 5 Buck Brown v Oluwale Bamgbose 185 lbs title
205 lbs 5 5 Jan Urzu v Dan Couture 205 lbs title
265 lbs 3 5 Yaser Khalafa v Mantis Joniis
185 lbs 3 5 Flusha Wrecker v Neigh Tuh
185 lbs 3 5 Optimo Primo v RJ MacReady
155 lbs 3 5 Paul Harris v Dimi Karalopolous
Rev island top oof the world is a cant miss event tune in to see if Brock Lesnar can go 16 and 0 !
see you there folks dont for get too buy your Taco lover tee shirt they are selling out fas
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