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Aspire MMA - Just Bleed 31 Review / Weekly Update

Event Review: Aspire MMA - Just Bleed 31
Aspire MMA
2017-04-01, Los Angeles, Venice Beach
Attendance:6,500, Event Rating:236
Author:Adam Holland

 Hello all,

I just want to start by thanking you all for responding to my request to use the satisfaction page to let us know how we are doing, we are now at 90% and I'm very proud of that, thank you all.

Satisfaction rating for orgs - http://www.mmatycoon.com/satisfaction.php

If you have any feedback at all feel free to do so here at the anonymous feedback page - http://www.mmatycoon.com/anonfeedback.php?oid=5056

Aspire Nutrition:

This week we launched the brand new Aspire Nutrition and our Aspire 160 Energy product line and I encourage you all to go along and support the company be it by accepting one of the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sponsorships we have sent out or buy buying and testing our product for yourselves!

Aspire Nutrition - http://www.mmatycoon.com/nutritionpublic.php?ncid=5211

ID Clarification:
I have noticed that the amount of 275k - 279k fighters available to sign is honestly not as deep as I had first felt and as such I will be focused primarily on the 280k+ going forward, on a case by case basis I may allow fighters as low as 275k+ to enter our division's but it will be when I feel the fighter fits competitively with what we already have and will no longer be the mainstay going forward. I hope this minor change will elevate anyones concerns over the ID situation in general.

Event Review:
The review for Just Bleed 31 is up with two title fights and the final of the Old Dog For The Road tournament it's a good one!

Event Review - http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57995&p=809989
Updated Rankings: 2.4.2017
145: Riff McGee (9-0-0) - Champion
#1 - Rollo Gracie (15-3-2)
#2 - Michael Kristian (11-2-1) - * StrikeForce Union 145lbs Champion
#3 - Xi Lim (6-1-1) - * Revolution XC 145lbs Champion
#4 - Carlos Ortega (9-0-0) - * Vacated: StrikeForce Union 135lbs Champion
#5 - Blake Green (12-2-0)
#6 - Taran Chula (10-5-1)
#7 - Misha Collins (11-6-0)
#8 - Michail Podolski (5-0-0)
#9 - Ramon Escobar Chavez (4-1-1)
#10 - Don Gotti (8-3-1)
155: Bonerz McGee (11-2-0) - Champion
#1 Geroge Nassar (9-2-0)
#2 Marlo Stanfield (13-4-0)
#3 Joe Bailey (11-4-0)
#4 Johnny Vegas (5-0-0)
#5 Rodney Smith (15-3-0)
#6 Billy Bolek (9-4-0)#6 
#7 Alexei Chernokov (11-6-0)
#8 Royal Pain (14-8-0)
#9 Peter Redfield (9-8-0)
#10 Justin Midget (12-5-0)
170: Ramon Gracie (16-1-0) - Champion
#1 Rusoposkinen Clintsari (12-5-0)
#2 Dum Debble (7-2-1)
#3 Bomb Com (7-2-0)
#4 Ivan Gore (7-2-0)
#5 Dimitri Vasleyiev (10-6-0)
#6 Rupert Pink (11-4-0)
#7 Troy Manning (9-4-0)
#8 Brannigan Steele (5-3-0)
#9 Marcus Browne (10-6-0)
#10 Your Name Here (7-5-0)
185: Casper Timmermans (10-1-0) - Champion

#1 Harry Winston (11-5-0)
#2 Vova Klimov (13-5-0)
#3 Reuben Kincaid (11-1-0)
#4 Ikka Runnisto (15-5-0)
#5 Bjarni Agnarsson (10-3-0)
#6 Ajax Aquila Corvus (10-2-0)
#7 Cyril Westlake (13-3-0)
#8 Khunbish Borjigin (5-1-0)
#9 Kimbo Spice (10-7-0)
#10 Aksel Stenger (11-5-0)
205: Alejandro Scott (7-3-0) - Champion
#1 Michael Brophy (12-1-0)
#2 Gerrald James (15-6-0)
#3 Tung Fo (7-2-0)
#4 Darth Sidious (15-6-0)
#5 Rich Piana (21-5-0)
#6 Valentine Skovgaard (9-2-0)
#7 Philo Beddo (7-2-0)
#8 Malcom Merlin (9-3-0)
#9 Rauta Kensleri (11-4-0)
#10 Cleon Wright (11-3-0)
265: Huell Babineaux (13-0-0) - Champion *On-loan for a super fight at Revolution XC.
#1 John Machado (15-7-0)
#2 Odin Thorsen (12-3-0)
#3 Keith Bishop (8-1-0)
#4 Zee Snore (15-3-0)
#5 Brutus Beefcake (11-6-0)
#6 Sendou Kitano (10-5-0)
#7 Robert Diggs (10-4-0)
#8 Theodore Thundercunt (16-8-0)
#9 James Daniel Kennamer (8-2-0)
#10 Kevin Rush (11-7-0)
Note: Rankings are updated at exactly two-week intervals.
Note: This is an overview of the division as it stands based on win/loss momentum and WC/P4P, they are not decided by hype/pop/skill etc.
- Adam Holland
- Aspire MMA
 Note: This mail is sent out to all managers of the Aspire MMA organisation.


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