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The Pain #1: Back on feet

, Fight Organization,
Company profile by Davide Castaldi

On 17th March a seemingly failed organization named Tokyo Rage Fight Club has instead re-opened his closed doors to a new generation of fighters and managers, proving nothing has been lost.
His owner, Lyle Humphreys, the manager who was forced to close it in past years and now wanted to get again involvedin this difficult venture, has been interviewed for the Tycoon Times about this project. After a long travel to Tokyo, deep into the coils of his human-pulsating streets, the author has eventually met Lyle in tha hall of the new TRFC headquarter after a long day of work.
Broad-shouldered man with a loud english accent and a heavy handshake, Lyle has proudly showed the all-new building where his offices are located, passing through a lot of rooms full of staff members with a phone glued to their ears for contacting fighter managers, arena owners or some sport channel. Just at twentieth floor, sitting inside an ample room covered with photos and trophies of most famous champions from recent past, Lyle eventually answered to these questions, relying on his confidence for his successfull org:       - Why you decided to recreate the Tokyo Rage Fight Club?
-I decided to reopen TRFC because it was something i started back in 2012. I have been around for 7 years now and have spent the most of my time running organisations that have had previous owners and TRFC was always special to me, so i couldn't refuse the opportunity to reopen my organisation.  
- In what differes the management of this org from previous one?
- Nothing really, I still intend to put managers and fighters first and managers know they can come to me, ask whatever and rules still apply as last time.  
- What are the feature of fights you offer? Do you think advertising and media could improve this kind of activity, perhaps creating a show more than a fight and drawing more people into your arena? Do you prefer a "famous" or a "heart-beat" fighting?   
-All of our events have specific rules, all take place in the cage with 3×5 minutes bouts, unless a title fight, which is 5×5. TRFC is solely a fighting organisation, I don't believe in the glitz and grammar, you're here to fight and when its time i expect to see your A game.  
-What is your vision of MMAs? Compared to other fighting sports, too.
-Personally i love the sport and have done for numerous years; its the hard work, the training, commitment, sacrifice, discipline and everything in between that makes MMAs the superior combat sport in my eyes and hopefully our fighters here at TRFC can replicate this.  
- What are the events your org is preparing and cannot be missed?
-Definitely has to be TRFC70 Reborn! After 3 long years we have finally opened our doors again and are ready to get back into the thick of it. The main event of TRFC70 can't be missed, the smack talk these to have had over the past week is immense and its certainly a must see.       Lyle kept talking after answering, fervently speaking about his efforts for bringing new life to the Tokyo Rage Fight Club, revealing some of his dreams and hopes. The sunshine was announcing the incoming dawn after a long night.
Best wishes to him and his staff.     [d.c.]


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