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EFC 124 : Resurgence

Event Review: EFC 124 : Resurgence
Extreme Fight Club (EFC)
2012-08-04, Hilo, Hard Knocks - Hilo
Attendance:2,595, Event Rating:156
Author:Gary Coffey

Resurgence was the EFC's first event back in Hilo for Quiet some time. The Hard Knocks opened its doors to just under 2600 spectators as the Warriors of EFC took to the Cage for a night filled with Knockouts and Finishes. The Under card saw wins for Tank James, Jess Liaudin, Eddard Stark and a 42 second Stoppage for Danny Trejo over Carver Mcnulty.

In the First Title fight of the night the excellent boxing of Samson proved to be too much for for ADCC champion Dante Hicks, Hick managed to get the fight to the ground on a few occasions ultimately it was a cut Inflicted by Samson which wouldn't have been out of place in a horror movie that ended the fight to crown a new 265 pound champion.

In the Clear Fight of the night MC Hammer took home Welterweight gold by picking apart Eddy Jones. The fight went the Distance but It was clear win for Hammer who dominated all 5 rounds and really impressed with his Clinch game. He will be sure to now have a target on his back as this division is proving to have a lot of emerging talent.

EFC's Main event of the evening Ex AAFL champion Jimmy Young made quick work of the less experienced Scott Larkin to once again wear Gold around his waist as the new EFC Featherweight Champion. Our Next Event will be held on the 11th of August, We are back at the Hard Knocks in Hilo. Where we will crown a 185 Pound Champion.

Jimmy Young Def. Scott Larkin (145 Title)

Jimmy Rogers Def. Fernando Rosario

Marcos Serraty Def. Takeo Matsukata

M C Hammer Def. Eddy Jones (170 Title)

Long Haired Samson Def. Dante Hicks (265 Title)

Milton Knight Def. Jimbo Slice

Danny Trejo Def. Carver McNulty

Eddard Stark Def. Ollie Strangler

Jess Liaudin Def. Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert

Tank James Def. Marcelo Nogueira   


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