Hello all, first of all I would like to apologise for having not posted the weekly rankings on the 15th as they were scheduled to be posted, this is the first time I have ever failed to do something I had previously told you guy's I would do and that in of itself is a break in my contract with you the managers and I want to apologise for that
I have been fairly sick over the last week and it's really taken it's toll, I hope to be back to full swing as soon as possible but outside of the write ups I'm otherwise unavailable for a few more days while I rest up from the comfort of my bedroom,
I expect at this point given the double shot shows we have this week and the next that our rankings will see significant movement and ultimately I think we will end up moving towards a monthly rankings update as opposed to a weekly one, with that said
I (edit: fixed) have now updated the rankings and will do so again on the 1st of June for what will be the first of the monthly updates going forward.
Updated rankings can be found both on our org's main page and here in the forums: http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57995&p=806441
Aspire Nutrition continues to do extremely well having moved up in the world nutrition rankings to the #2 position just behind Humanoid Nutrition and just above the great Sully's Bar & Grill for our very first time this week, when we first started playing this game and got together these are companies we genuinely no pun intended aspired to emulate, Joe Lang of Sully's, in particular, is responsible for a fair portion of our success having always been on hand to give top quality advice and words of encouragement and without that support we would not be in this position right now so I want to take a moment to thank Joe for having our back despite us been the new kid in school that wasn't very cool and had a dream to enter his space of business, a legitimately great guy who has really taken care of us, thank you, Joe.
Another shout out to Raichu Kong of the Pit Bull Hotel and Casino who has started to run odds for our show's at his reputable bookies based out of New York city, you can go right over and bet on Aspire events, Bushido, GAMT and Madness MMA cards right now! thanks again Raichu for doing this, I used to host them up at Aspire Casino but it was honestly just another job that took more time than it really should and I really want to thank for Raichu taking that off my hands without me even asking, it's greatly appreciated.
Firm plan's are now in place for our road to PPV with our first venture into the 42,000 seater Tokyo Bowl at Just Bleed 48 set for the tentative date of Friday July 7th with Aspire 49 and Aspire 50 set to take place also on PPV with show's at the 93,607 Wombley Arena in London, if your fighter is around 280+ hype and currently unbooked the chances are your opponent for the PPV card series is still to be determined by a pre-booked card in the run-up to these events, you may think it's a little far out to be considering the fate of Just Bleed 48-50 but we are currently in the process of booking Just Bleed 45 at the moment so it's really just around the corner in real terms so we thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we try to develop the roster into a sustainable PPV machine.
I would like to take a moment to thank Dale Mac the former Synchronicity owner who had joined Aspire MMA in an advisory capacity over the last few months who has had to step down due his busy real world schedule, the advice and support I received from Dale set in place many of the business practices we have become known by and set a standard of quality that I continue to Aspire towards, thank you so much for all the time you took to help me on my way Dale, I appreciate it more than you are possibly aware. Good luck to you in all that you decide to do in the future.
The full review for Aspire 39 can be found here split across our regular three part spread: http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57995&page=3#entry814728
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