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Anthony Ventura Talks Fight

Fighter profile of Anthony Ventura by Speedy Gonzaitev

 Having just confirmed his first fight in Immortal's Anthony Ventura took time out of his busy day to visit with Fighters R US Magazine for a brief interview.

  Reporter: Thanks for taking some time out of your busy day to visit with u Anthony: Aw shucks it ain't nuttin man. Training is goooood 'n' all but a man needs a break now an agai'.    Reporter: We have recently received word that you received your first opponent in Immortals which is against one of the owner's personal fighters in Taco Bueno.   Anthony: What kinda name is dat? Look man, i love me some taco's but when i gotta fight a dude with da name Taco? What am i supposed to do man? It's just gonna make me hungry and wanna beat his candy ass even more man.   Reporter: Sounds like your not taking your opponent too seriously.   Anthony: Man when a dad and a mom name der kid Taco, what is a man supposed to do? Look he got some skills on da ground I will give da man dat much, but dat grapplin; shit is fur da pussies. My job is put my fists and my shins through whoever stands across dat cage or ring or whatever I be fightin' in at da time. I ain't got nuttin fancy besides my fists and my legs. Both of which iI'll bne using to put dat man to sleep, count on it.   Reporter: So your declaring that you will finish Taco Bueno? What if he gets you down? Anthony: If da fucker tries to do that sissy humpin grapplin crap on me, imma kick his teeth in sooo dam hard that his momma is gonna lose her teeth too. I don't like dickin' around. Da fans want KO's I do my damnest to give them that.   Reporter: Thank you for your time Anthony.   Anthony: No prob' man, drive home safe ya hear?


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