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Syn' 257: Puno KOTY

Event Review: Syn 527 - Scorched
2017-05-26, Los Angeles, LA Memorial Colossuseum
Attendance:92,177, Event Rating:1,003
Author:Chris Karter

De Gaul is holding his hands too far apart here. Puno throws a hard, straight punch right down the pipe and BOOM! De Gaul is out! That punch landed square on the jaw - what a shot!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:42 of round 2, we have a winner by way of KO (Punch). Kajun Puno!
Kajun Puno is the new heavyweight champion!

Puno walks up to Michael Knight and shakes his hand before walking over to the opponents camp and corner, he appears to be exchanging respect. Chris Karter fist bumps Syn's matchmaker and the two Convicted Inc members start conversating, meanwhile Puno is approached by Louie DePalma and receives his new heavyweight championship belt. Shortly after he's greeted by Joe Rogan for a post fight interview in the center of the cage.


"First off congratulations. That was an incredible knockout and one heck of a fight. This whole situation, it is a fascinating story and a truly remarkable ending. Unreal. You faced some adversity early on. You were knocked down in the first round, how bad were you hurt?"


"He land good combination. Big punches, I think I took shots well. Been hit harder."


"Talk us through the knockout. That was clean and right down the pipe."


"He hit me very hard, first round. Wanted payback. It's fight you know? I swing hard right and boom - lights out."


"It's hard to believe that your father, Fidel, a Syn' --- "


Crowd roars. Colosseum rocks.


"Hahaha. They love it. Your father, Syn' Hall of Famer, he held this same belt. 24 years ago. What's it mean for you to be standing here, right now, with the same belt in your hands?"


"It was fun. Lots of hard work. Fidel, come here old man."


Fidel Puno walks into the cage. Crowd goes insane. Chants of "Puno" echo throughout Los Angeles.


"Belt is back with Puno family."


Kajun and Fidel hold the Syn' Heavyweight Championship in the air together. The fans go nuts and an earthquake is registered in the city of Angels.


"This might be the greatest moment I've ever seen. Unbelievable. I can't hear myself think! I am so happy for you and your family right now, I can only imagine how you guys must feel, I can't wait to see you in action again. It was an honor calling this fight and good luck in your next one, where ever it may be."




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