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Aspire MMA - Just Bleed 41 Review / Weekly Update

Event Review: Aspire MMA - Just Bleed 41
Aspire MMA
2017-05-27, Los Angeles, University Park
Attendance:13,791, Event Rating:324
Author:Adam Holland

 Hello all, Just a quick update this week to let you all know the Aspire 41 review is up and can be found here spread across our regular three-post spread:


The Event:

The event did exceptionally well with an event rating of 324.06 our second biggest to date and garnering our largest event profit to date at just around $100,000 when all was said and done, it's rare we turn a profit on an event so I'm particularly pleased with the way Aspire 41 came together with the reign of a new 185lbs champion Reuben Kincaid, the return of 185lbs tyrant Vova Klimov and former champion Casper Timmerman's ontop of the continued rise of Valentin Skovgaard at 205lbs this is indeed an exciting time for the promotion and I thank you all for the continued support as we finish up our last run of regular show's before the PPV's kick in.

Booking Towards The PPV:

Right now my booking is primarily focused on pairing up similar hyped fighters in order to generate as many 250+ (Hype+Pop) bouts in line for the PPV run we will be going on this summer, I have as always tried my best to keep the match-ups I offer as competitive as possible but in some cases particularly when one opponent is in the 25-30 age range at the top end of a division I have been forced to offer 'prospect fighters' in the 22-24 year range that may on paper have a significant primary skill advantage, in defense of this when I look on my booking sheet I get a guide of general skill level for each fighter in the division

and nobody in any of our divisions is significantly outmatched by anyone in the their respective divisions as things stand, so I ask the managers of the older fighters to consider this when looking at the match-ups but I entirely understand if I receive a couple of declines, no hard feelings on that ill do my best to reschedule you a more suitable opponent if you fall into this category but understand at this point I need to generate the hype required to sustain a PPV machine so we as a group can take the promotion to the next level.

Nice Org, We'll Take It:

We continue to hold talks with organisations in our ID range about potential buyout's that would allow us to add additional depth to our talent pool, expect some kind of announcements in this regard over the next couple of weeks as we finalise our plans and close out the negotiation period on a number of promising deals, thank's go out to Shiv for taking the lead on this side project.

- Adam Holland

- Aspire MMA


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