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GAMMA: Press release!!!

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

Our long time owner of the GAMMA: Contenders, Gerbert Bryant (84742) have given ownership of his org to James Logan (113040), who was up until recently the apprentice in the said org. Stepping up into Logan's position will be Scott Petrey (117451), a manager i know for a few months and an active member of our LOD community.

Gerbert was running the org since the summer of 2014, making him the longest running owner of an affiliate org in our history.

Gerbert will be taking up the role of General Manager in GAMMA and will be responsible for many of the day to day running activities in the org, as well as filling in as the CEO of GAMMA when i am away.

I have the utmost confidence that all 3 managers will do a fantastic job in their new roles.


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