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KOTR , Fight Organization, Tokyo
Company profile by War Machine

King Of The Ring has opened on The Island and will be kicking things of with a couple of Grand Prix's and Super League series. 

The Lightweight tournament is shaping up nicely with 8 kick boxers signed up or the chance at $100,000, the championship and a place in the Hall Of Fame. We have closed submissions for this due to time restraints and numbers. Some good managers in this one. 

The Welterweight tournament is almost full but lacking some managers who signed up but have not created a fighter. Same prizes as above and if you win this you will be a top prospect manager with the legends already signed up. 

The he final Grand Prix is in the Openweight division, a legendary tournament in MMA and K-1 this one promises to have fireworks and I'm sure some new legends will be born. 


We also have a Bantamweigt Super League series running but still lack a few managers and also an in house LOD Middleweight Super League which is now full. 


If you want to sign up we are looking for Featherweights, Light heavyweight and Heavyweight. Only restriction is they must be 18 on creation, a bad ass and not a pussy. 





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