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GAMMA: Viv Richards HOF induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

Managed by Whymer Van Mastodon, Fought from 2015-06-27 to 2016-12-24, his record inside GAMMA 16-6-0, Highest all time rank is #5. He also came 3rd in the rankings for 2016 for the fighter of the year award among GAMMA fighters, competed in 10 title fights and is a former 185lbs champion with a total of 12 fight of the night awards. His biggest wins are over Diego Sanchez, Karl Denke, Hektor Troy,  Scotty Bennet, Willy Stoppers, Tony Siblas.

Upon retirement Viv was ranked 32nd all time among GAMMA fighters and 5th all time among 185lbs fighters. This is also the 4th fighter Whymer has had inducted in our HOF, just one below Gale Hawthorne who has 5. A former product of Matt Cave, Viv joined GAMMA late in his career, so the fact that he managed a total of 22 fights is very impressive.


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