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Cole Mitchell Q&A

Fighter profile of Cole Mitchell by Alika Webb

Cole Mitchell Q&A

Q: Dear martial arts fans today I have travelled halfway across the globe to pay a special visit to Cole Mitchell. On an island in the middle of nowhere, a kickboxing organization was founded. Fighting in said organization is Muay Thai standout Cole Mitchell. To say that Cole Mitchell has made a good first impression would be an understatement. Not only did he win his first two fights, he won them both by knockout. First of all, congratulations are in order. Cole, splendid work. I watched both your fights and the technical skills you put on display are a beautiful sight to see.


Cole: Thanks man, I followed my game plan to the letter and I was rewarded for my dedication. Props to my coaches at Gizmo's Gym for giving me the support I needed to put on the performance that you ended up witnessing.


Q: Do you think your coaches played a crucial role in your victories so far?


Cole: Undeniably, you can really feel the energy and motivation of the coaches. They set up a plan, they prepare me for the fight to come, the best way they know how and they do it all in a very short period of time. There’s only one week in between fights and they pull out all the stops to prepare me for the fight to come. And special thanks to my sponsor Ace of Spades Clothing as well, for backing me up financially.


Q: But when fight time comes, only you and your opponent will enter the ring. The preparation before the fight might be crucial but without you there would be no fight. Moving on now, how’s the island setting for you? Alaska born and raised, I can imagine you having some trouble adjusting to a tropical island life.


Cole: Huge difference in temperature and pacing sure. But while you might think the siestas are a disadvantage, they’re actually not. When the sun is out we rest but when it cools down we train our butts off and get all the work done we’re supposed to do. We’re able to get some rest in between training sessions, that’s why we can go a lot harder than I used to be able to do back home.


Q: On paper, your next fight will be the biggest fight in your career. You’re facing a mean Muay Thai fighter who’s specialized in slowly taking people apart. Do you consider him a threat to your current winning streak?


Cole: I do, yeah. The fact is that there are no easy fights, everybody’s on the same level and given that he’s already beaten two people in a more than convincing fashion, I can easily say I’ll not be taking him lightly. Luckily my coaches are doing the best they can to get me focused and ready for the fight.

Q: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me and I wish you the best of luck in your next fight.


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