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Puno speaks to Turpin

Fighter profile of Kajun Puno by Chris Karter

In a recent pre-fight press conference we heard Turpin and Puno exchanging garbs. The two fighters pulled no punches on how they felt about one another, with Turpin speaking with confidence and experience, in a "been there, done that" type of manner, and Puno remaining calm and poised, expressing his own opinions on the matchup.


"I sympathize for opponent but show no mercy.


He had brief moment of glory - fame and lights that come with success too bright for him and unknown manager of him.

It boost head and ego, get in way for both, and over confident in ability he crushed again and again.


We try set fight up in prime but he scared of power then and he scared of power now. He talk big KO plan but we know that not case. His manager desperate for victory will make him conservative. He happy just survive 5 rounds. Probably counter looking for KO and try to avoid Puno Power in these hands. I hope he no run away too much in ring and fight like man.


I no need takedown to beat him. We fight in ring with only standup and extra rules to protect me from killing him."


Ouch. Blunt, harsh, and to the point. Apparently the P4P King of Tycoon thinks these extra rules in Kickboxing are necessary to protect him from beating his opponent to death. Rumors circulated years ago when Chris Karter took to buzz to call out Turpin and propose his up and coming Heavyweight prospect to the former Syn' Champion, but it fell on deaf ears. Shortly after Turpin was seemingly retired by an opponent Puno recently became acquainted with, Obelix De Gaul. Turpin made some valid points about his most recent losses and he looks like he's in incredible shape, clearly staying in the gym since stepping away from the cage. The 42,000 fight fans attending the Tokyo Bowl in Japan at Dynasty 1: Genesis will not be disappointed with this fight, regardless of the result, they're expecting fireworks and we have every reason to believe that the fighters will give the fans the show that they want.


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