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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Winds of change blow through Sydney

Editorial by Louie DePalma

The convention room at the Star City Hotel and Casino in Sydney is filled to capacity at Blitz Down Under's live news conference. With BDU 127 only a few short hours away, all media outlets have been tipped off to a HUGE announcement. Reporters are at the ready with voice recorders cued up ready to get every word spoken to be replayed on news telecasts and radio stations across the globe and members of the local print media are tightly gripping their pens & paper waiting in anticipation of what is to be announced here today. These media personas are joined by many of BDU's present day fighters, local business personalities and stars from days gone by.

Louie DePalma, the organization's owner, confidently approaches the podium. Proudly, he begins to speak… "Good evening everyone and welcome, thank you very much for joining us tonight. You may be wondering why you all have been gathered here? Well, we won’t hold you in suspense for much longer. Over the past few weeks, many of you may have noticed a slight decline in my activeness, a trend that has snowballed to the point where I have recently been doing many things that I do not like to do, such as booking fights on a single (or less) weeks notice, not ensuring betting odds are set up for you to make wagers, not setting up enough events to ensure all fighters are kept as active as they deserve to be and booking last minute flights to ensure your fighters get to where they need to be. I will be honest, there was a time when outside forces had prevented me from paying the special attention to operations I had become known for and that has really bothered me, to the point where I had made the suggestion of giving up and moving on (only to myself mind you) But over the past 24-48 hours I have had many conversations with many managers. Those conversations have caused my focus to stray in many different directions. One had me moving shop to Montreal; one to Tokyo; and, one had me taking over a new organization completely to get a fresh start and see if that would re-energize me. However, for each conversation I had that lead me astray I had two that would draw me right back to Sydney, the only city I have ever known during my business career, and a city that, in the end, I can not turn my back on. It was after this realization that I made a simple and brief phone call to Adam Knight to make a suggestion, one that I feel will give back to the great city of Sydney, but also give me a renewed fire to continue the amazing journey I have been on since early 2010. It was following this conversation that I knew what had to be done. That, my friends, is the announcement that I will take on the quest of reviving my organization under the banner of the very first organization ever to hold an event in Sydney. Many of you will have forgotten the name and many more will have never known it but for those that do and especially for Adam, I wish to bring glory back to....

"The Syndicate"


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