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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper


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Thank you for reading about BUMFIGHTS; A non-profit fight organization bent on providing bums and badasses alike the chance to show the down and out a good fight or two for some good pay!


It's not everyday that you see so many homeless people gathered up in one spot, our soup kitchens are the stuff of legend for the bums here. But it's not only the soup that brings them here... oh no! It's the fight action we deliver to them for a low fee that keeps them sipping! And even before the fights our cast of fighters are eager to chit-chat and serve the bums soup before their battles start; for all the fighters here seen some kind of hardship, and these hardships have built a character unlike any other in the game.


And you might ask "Why do this for nothing?" well... me and my brother both have known the hardships of being 'down and out' like these gents amongst us who are both fighters and homeless attendees; even the managers struggle to fund their fighters properly! As we both have noticed many fighters are getting thrown to the streets after only 1 loss; we knew we had to start a charity fight organization which would break away from all the "hate promos" and start to provide backstory instead to our wonderful cast of fighters and give them a chance! Why start trash talking when we're already trash to begin with?


So why not come over to Montreal this friday night and enjoy some BUMFIGHTS? Stand by the crackling barrel fire as you wait for the doors to open and let the bums entertain you with countless stories! For their hardships deserve to be respected.


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