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PFC Bloody Tuesdays Event Preview

Event Preview: PFC Bloody Tuesdays
Major League Combat 320k+, 328k+ & 330k+
2018-01-23, New York, Micro Arena - New York
Author:Psycho Serrano

 As PFC kicks off the year with it’s very first  event called Bloody Tuesdays, PFC is currently setting up a reality series calles The Next Prize Fighter, which is this group of young talent going toe to toe in the cage to decide who will be crowned the PFC Heavyweight Champion and a awesome check bonus for $20,000.  Also soon to arrive PFC Grand Prix 265+ w/c 328k id.


Now talking about our PFC Bloody Tuesdays on Jan 23, 2018 preview. Up to the moment we may have 10 fights which only 8 of them confirmed. Up for the moment we will start the night with Malik Allen vs Jake Williams, Steve Manning vs Jack Micheals, LeRoy Jenkins vs Mike Killsonsight, George Hight tower vs Eli Jones, Ura Cone vs Barry Long, and on top of our main card we have Joe Nino Ruas Santos from Brazil which as most of these new fighters, he is a well disciplined student of the BJJ arts and has a very respectable wrestling game so we can presume that he will have a great dominance on the ground which we all will be guessing if he will be shooting for the takedown or looking to be took down to use his BJJ expertise. Specially since he appears to not have any stand up game and counts with a small body frame of near 6ft tall and billed to be 230 pounds but may walk in the cage in a weight about 211 to 220 taking on the Wild Horse from Texas Jerry Perry which he also is about 6ft tall but billed to be weighting 270 and may show up to the cage at around 254-264 pounds with a wonderful boxing skill assuming cause of the nickname he could be a brawler type of boxer and has a respectable background in wrestling hopefully may know how to work the ground game. Perry has the upper hand by been skilled in the stand up also adding the fact that he will have about a good 20-30 pounds extra which may make him slower but will have the edge when it comes to power. This could seem dangerous for Ruas Santos because Perry could have the power to punch a whole threw his head. Now on the other end Ruas Santos if he is smart enough he may show up to the fight with a type of Gracie style fighting using speed and agility to his advantage and forcing the opponent to take him down and then he slips and goes for the submission. This fight should be explosive, Power vs Speed. According to UBets.com they have Ruas Santos winning this fight with the odds of -147 to -102. I guess they are going by the Gracie theory. 

Previewing our next fight, the Co-Main Event,  Bob “Master”Bates vs Joe Sixpack. Bates is a pure wrestler who has a respectable boxing skills when on the other end we have the the same in reverse a pure boxer with a respectable wrestling game. This will be fun to watch. And our Main Event of the night. Chris Battle vs Roman Reigns, Battle with the hight and a slight weight advantage of Reigns, we have Reigns will definitely dominate the stand up, where Battle doesn’t have a singe skills in stand up arts, where Reigns have a strong boxing skillset. But it seems both are very skilled in wrestling the Battle have better experience in wrestling. Now here is where the tables could turn. At the ground position. Battle holds a blue belt in BJJ where Reigns doesn’t own a single skill in. We all know in the would of MMA, BJJ is a game changer to all of those who fight against such art. If this fight hits the floor Reigns better hope the knows how to defend himself. UBets.com is giving the nod to Reigns with a odds of -150 to +100. Earlier today Reigns showed that he is very confident for this fight buzzing Battle the following: Chris “The Big Boy” Battle, your going to be crushed and bloody this tuesday!!!! ; then buzzed The Big Boy Boy vs The Big Dog. At this time there has been no response from Battle to these buzzes. But it seems that tension may rise. 


This is all for this moment, please don’t miss out on PFC opening event. You may regret seen the action live. Tickets are already been sold and only about half left. 

Till next time on 

Psycho and a cup of Joe

PFC talk  


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